Example sentences of "[num] [conj] [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It then rested when finances ran out before resuming in 1790 and reaching its intended link with the Aire and Calder and Don navigations in 1816 and thence to the Humber estuary .
2 Now I did once ride it to Cotherstone Show around the time I was twenty-one and going there was just fine because it was mostly downhill .
3 So I wish you and your family a particularly enjoyable festive season and look forward to working with you for a successful 1993 and making it a year that will bring real growth .
4 In 1969 he was Polonius in the Roundhouse , prior-to-Broadway , Hamlet , before returning to the RSC in 1972 and making his National Theatre debut in 1974 .
5 An alternating audio signal is required from pin 6 , and a means must be found of preventing this ‘ feeding back ’ to pin 2 and cancelling itself out .
6 Michele is 22 and expecting her fifth baby — her children have been fathered by two different men .
7 Six and moving it to the afternoon yes , it 's er a nice question .
8 Dawn Winterhalder was 32 and expecting her fourth child when she developed hydramnios — excess fluid in the womb — and her gynaecologist became seriously concerned about the baby 's health .
9 Of the plays , Macbeth appears to have received his greatest attention , and , in 1745 , while still in his thirties and making his literary way , he produced his ‘ Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of Macbeth ’ , which begins : ‘ In order to make a true estimate of the abilities and merit of a writer it is always necessary to examine the genius of his age and the opinions of his contemporaries . ’
10 He was equally generous to Cuthbert , pressing him to accept the bishopric of Lindisfarne in 685 and granting him and his church land in Cartmel and Carlisle in the north-west and in Crayke in the vale of York .
11 Some weeks , he would be doing all three and writing his letters , at the same time as making a ‘ Carry On ’ .
12 This promise he deliberately and ruthlessly broke , going out night after night in 1917 and hurling his load , punches , matrices and type , into the Thames from Hammersmith Bridge , 2 on one occasion missing a barge by inches .
13 In 1682 Ralph Thoresby , the Leeds antiquary , ‘ saw the glasshouses ’ as he passed through Silkstone , and when John Warburton came that way in 1718–19 while preparing his map of Yorkshire , he pinpointed the position of the glasshouse to the right of the road that crossed the stream just to the south of Silkstone church .
14 Isaac Abendana ‘ having lighted his Pipe , fell down dead ’ 17 July 1699 while visiting his friend Arthur Charlett [ q.v. ] , master of University College , and a merchant Jew passing through the town conveyed the body to London for burial , putting an end to a thirty-seven-year Oxbridge career during which time he had a virtual monopoly on Hebrew studies there .
15 A Western diplomatic source was quoted by the Agence France-Presse news agency on July 31 as saying it had been a " dialogue of the deaf " .
16 I was sixteen and wearing my prettiest frock .
17 Mr Osenat received a fax from the Ministry of Culture quoting a law of 1913 and informing him that no classified object belonging to a public establishment — the hospital — could be sold to a private buyer .
18 A new grouping , the Boere Weerstandsbeweging ( BWB — a splinter group of the AWB formed on June 11 and describing itself as the armed wing of the BP ) , pledged solidarity with the BP in its aim of re-establishing former Boer republics .
19 Coleman had met Ross in 1981 while writing his book Squeal , in which he described how Las Vegas superstar Wayne Newton had sued Ross and Silverman over an NBC story connecting him with organized crime .
20 One was from a member regretting inability to help in ‘ 86 and saying she intended to ‘ pile in for ‘ 87 . ’
21 Vividly remembering Bradman as Australia 's No. 3 and contrasting his success with Hick 's disappointments , some would rate it as the most important .
22 At giving the baby his last feed at ten and putting him down and hoping that he 'd stay asleep till well half past five to six the next morning .
23 They will cut their claims to an amount which can roughly be covered by the bank 's remaining assets of $2.8 billion while allowing it to carry on operating .
24 He saw what he took to be Charles the Bald 's institutionalisation of hereditary countships in 877 as clinching his case .
25 Walter Stuart Surridge , who died suddenly at the age of 74 while visiting his company 's factory in Glossop on April 13 , played 254 matches for Surrey between 1947 and 1956 .
26 The studio built for him by Josep Luis Sert in 1954–56 and housing his last unfinished canvases can be viewed by appointment .
27 Switch S1 sets the input data — pressing it gives Logic 1 and leaving it released , Logic 0 .
28 After this period you will have to apply again by filling in a new claim form AG 1 and sending it to the Agency Benefits Unit ( see address on page 22 ) .
29 To find the response , the mirror allocation can be located at point 3 by striking a line from 2 through 1 and extending it for a distance equal to 21 ; i.e. 31 = 12 .
30 He had even tried starting at page 1 and working his way through to the end .
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