Example sentences of "[num] [pron] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 I mean , I did get work at his mill in the summer of ‘ forty I 'd been on t'dole for four years , since I left school — but he went into the RAF not long after , and I did n't see him again till late ‘ forty-six .
2 Consequently , our analysis used statistical methods appropriated for the analysis of data with unobserved effects ( our data comprised of a large number of daily histories , in the late 1980's which had been previously collected ) .
3 An increasing number of women , perhaps career women in their 30s who have been regular Pill users for several years , may wish to check if they are ovulating before planning the timing of a pregnancy .
4 The 2 who died were Robin Phelps , from Brockweir in Gloucestershire and Eric Sullivan from Tintern in Gwent .
5 The clearest example of this is patient 203 from family 2 who has been shown by molecular studies to possess the faulty APC gene .
6 In April 2 there had been a clash between the security forces and civilians in the Bassatine suburb of southern Cairo after the security forces had intervened to prevent the distribution of tracts hostile to the regime .
7 Whereas in 1972 there had been 462 persons employed in the catching sector , this had declined to 217 by 1982 .
8 So from the beginning of 1972 there have been involved in five major enquiries relating to Northern Ireland a former Lord Chancellor ( twice ) , a present and a former Lord Chief Justice , a Lord of Appeal , and a High Court judge .
9 Even at the height of the strike movement of the 1890s there had been a certain amount of friction between workers and intelligentsia .
10 In 1885 there had been 402 members ; in 1903 there were 1,248 .
11 In the difficult economic climate of the 1970s and 80s there have been more frequent cries from industry for assistance , which States have not always resisted in their desire to minimise the disruptive effects of economic change .
12 One of the main theses of the regulationist school is that in the 1970s/1980s there has been a decisive shift from Fordism ( named after the company in which its introduction is most famed ) to neo-Fordism .
13 Agitation over the Irish question had assumed the proportions of a major political threat in the 1860s , bread riots were not unknown in London in this period , and in the shadow of the second Reform Bill of 1867 there had been occasions of political violence over voting reforms .
14 Between 1972 and 1985 there had been significant energy savings in OECD countries .
15 However , since about 1985 there had been a divergence of judicial thinking on the subject and the law was at a cross-roads .
16 Since 1985 there has been only a marginal reduction in mental hospital beds : ‘ I think we lost some somewhere ’ , as Dr Peter Verbraak , Director of de Grote Bek Hospital in Groningen , recently commented .
17 Is the Minister aware that since he was first appointed to the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food in 1985 there has been a £28 billion food deficit , which amounts to £15 million per year or £1,200 per household ?
18 Since the 1980's there has been a renaissance of interest in ethnography .
19 The company was formed on Albert Hill in 1864 and by the time it closed in 1879 it had been responsible for 40 bridges in Denmark , 20 bridges in Sweden all built in 1874 , all the viaducts on the Whitby-RedcarMiddlesbrough line including the Staithes Viaduct , Llandudno pier , a bridge in Syria , another over the Tay in Scotland and a footbridge over the Tees at Barnard Castle .
20 While in the United States in the 1890s he had been heavily influenced by the Populist and Democratic Parties ' assault on the Gold Standard .
21 In the last 12 he 's been here at Little Wittenham in Oxfordshire and has raised £150,000 for charity .
22 It was known to Charles too , for in 832 he had been installed as king there , briefly , at Limoges .
23 Salieri had never got on with Leopold II , and in 1790 he had been released from most of his court obligations , remaining as a kind of honorary kapellmeister .
24 By 1985 he had been relegated to a place in the wings while his wife , now a media star , glowed .
25 Since 1985 he has been dedicated to the development and implementation of practical/operational expert systems for different sectors of industry including aerospace .
26 CD describes a ‘ piece of water in the midst ’ but although there was originally a fountain there , by 1780 it had been displaced by the plinth of the present statue of William III added in 1808 , BR 70 .
27 During 1986 and 1987 , more than two-thirds of their work was repeat business ; in 1985 it had been 80% , so much of the increase in volume was due to winning new clients .
28 When the Royal Bank bought the building in 1825 it had been the Government Office of Excise and quite correctly bore the Royal arms , although no-one had got around to updating them .
29 The terminus at each end was connected to the line by a steep incline surmounted with the help of a stationary steam winding engine , and at Middleton Top the engine house survives complete with its engine , a Butterley double-beam engine of 1829 which has been restored to working order .
30 This book is a translation of a Russian text completed in 1986 which has been partially revised , rearranged and updated .
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