Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , it is estimated that one-half of them have to depend on state benefits .
2 There 's 9,000 shivering punters in here , 7,500 of which have blank faces .
3 There are 3 heads to the triceps ; 2 of them have their origins on the humerus and the third originates on the shoulder blade .
4 But the numerous and well-educated Isaak people of the north , some 50,000 of whom have been killed by the government , are the type to settle scores .
5 Getting prisoners to realise there are people worse off than themselves , is the main idea behind a 3-day event at Stoke Mandeville. 30 of them have been helping mentally handicapped people of all ages simply to enjoy themselves .
6 Forty of them have booked out .
7 But , although eyebrows were raised in April at the unexpected announcement that DG would be axing a further 1,000 jobs , reducing the total headcount to just over 7,000 , from 17,700 a few years ago , Skates maintains that these cuts — 600 to 700 of which have already been effected — would have been implemented regardless of the company 's financial performance .
8 Of the sixteen families of lizards alive today , eleven of them have species that demonstrate tail-sacrifice .
9 This involves staff cuts , 850 of which have already been announced : 400 jobs are to go out of 1700 in Hull , 130 out of 650 in Baglan Bay , 200 out of 1300 in Antwerp and 120 out of 600 in central office .
10 The eight of us have met regularly since then .
11 An investigation of the Directorate published in Izvestiya of Oct. 22 , 1992 , revealed that the October 1991 order to form it from the troops of the Russian Interior Ministry was unknown to Supreme Soviet deputies ; that its personnel was armed and " in exceptional circumstances " could distribute its arms to people 's deputies ; that it guarded about 75 buildings in Moscow , " two-thirds of which have absolutely no relation to the parliament " ; and that it came under the jurisdiction only of the parliamentary Chairman .
12 Fewer than 1 in 5 of the men in our sample has confined his sexual experience to a single partner , though two-thirds of them have done so over the last 12 months .
13 Tatra was forced to stop production of its giant T815 trucks , 2,000 of which have been ordered by Russia and China .
14 There are 5,733 empty council houses , almost 2,000 of which have been empty for more than a year .
15 We know he had a family — six of them have already been mentioned — but not whether they went on holiday nor where ; although here we may make an important cultural assumption : if we assume it as a norm that families go on holiday , a fact of life as inevitable as having a father , we might divide it into Given New The family spent holidays in a lakeside hunting lodge in Michigan , near Indian settlements .
16 These things can happen in the best of families , and among the many pictures of the Rassendylls at home , you can see that five or six of them have the same blue eyes , the same nose , and the same red hair .
17 Only six of them have the necessary external lockboard battens applied to the cheek and spine .
18 The findings from this study are based on responses from 300 people ( 177 women and 123 men ) , 100 of whom have also been interviewed ; this group has been disabled for between 20 and 80 years ( Zarb , 1991b ; Zarb and Oliver , 1991 , 1992 ) .
19 There must be some question as to how reliable the East German troops would be in such a situation , bearing in mind that most of them are conscripts , and that about 30,000 of them have recently been released from military service to man understaffed factories .
20 ‘ Everybody marvelled at Clive 's goal in the replay against Chester but he 's scored 11 goals this season and 10 of them have been screamers like that . ’
21 We are coming to an end , let me remind you that er of this particular hundred , sixty three of whom have the use of a car , fifty seven have been involved in an accident , fifty seven and I 'm sure it ca n't be a , er it must be a coincidence say their personalities change behind the driving wheel
22 So as to illustrate the use of the various operators , we will consider the two four parts , three of which have a ten week compulsory unit and a choice of options .
23 Three of them have been grouped together under the protection of a united association of breeders : the blond Bénais , the chestnut Aure et Saint-Girons in Auroise and the white Lourdais milking breed .
24 Although less well-educated people , poor people and black people in the States are still markedly less familiar with APRs , at least one in three of them have now learned to estimate reasonably accurately what the APR is on their own credit arrangements .
25 All three of them have produced when it comes to ‘ bottom line ’ basics which is why they all now appear in their respective sides automatically .
26 All three are very experienced advocates before the courts but all three of them have deliberately done one application wrong , so you can see the typical things that advocates do do that should not be done .
27 And Carl sa I was speaking to Carl today and he said , well surely , you know the three of them have weighed that up ?
28 When she goes in tomorrow night and all three of them have got honours and she never .
29 Only three of them have been audited .
30 Anyway , the three of us have been seen as cartoon characters for a number of years .
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