Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 It is unlikely that anti-Semitism was as powerful in its motivational force for recruits in the Party 's ‘ mass phase ’ after 1929–30 as it had been for the early activist core of the NSDAP .
2 Accreditation is planned for May 1993 after which approved organisations will begin the delivery of MCI .
3 In 1896 France had 575,000 manufacturing établissements ; they had an average of 5.5 workers each and only 151 of them employed more than a thousand people .
4 Of the 1,533 men under 5ft 6ins , 118 of them suffered a heart attack compared with only 62 of the 1,533 men who were over 5ft 10ins .
5 Assault Boats are , as their description implies , not for pleasurable pursuits , although the construction of 8,442 of them gave the craftsmen of Wolverton , skilled in the art of carriage building , an opportunity to employ their talents .
6 In the 16 constipated children with colonic contractions the motility index did not significantly increase after the meal ( 2.1 ( SEM 0.3 ) mm Hg/min basal v 3.1 ( SEM 0.4 ) mm Hg/ min postprandial ) and 12 of them had no HAPCs ( p<0.01 v group without constipation ) .
7 Clinically , an acute self limiting obstructive condition was evident in 13 cases with AA , and 12 of them returned to normal bowel function after receiving total parenteral nutrition .
8 A week ago he was successful … 13 baby boas were produced in the same litter , 12 of them survived .
9 The newly formed independent human rights organization Organisation Marocaine des Droits de L'Homme ( OMDH ) ( see p. 36244 ) claimed on July 26 , 1989 , that there remained a total of 226 political prisoners in Morocco , 12 of whom had been condemned to death and 33 of whom were in indefinite solitary confinement .
10 In addition , Roycayrol and Cattan studied fundic biopsy specimens of 18 totally achlorhydric patients , 12 of whom had pernicious anaemia .
11 The results of this ‘ biochemical modulation ’ were reported in 1986 in a study of 100 patients — 59 of whom responded and 12 of whom had complete remissions .
12 With Lucinda Green 's enthusiasm , the 12 of us involved raised £80,000 this year , and ended up taking over 40 tonnes of supplies , with a tremendous amount of support from the ‘ horsy fraternity ’ .
13 Around 250 responses were received last year commenting on the group 's initial consultation paper , and 140 of them found fault .
14 However , when analysed on an intention-to-treat basis with inclusion of the 4 patients who were not treated with NIPPV , 2 of whom died , the survival advantage was lower : 3/30 vs 9/30 ( relative risk=0.33 , CI=0.10 to 1.11 , p=0.106 ) .
15 It was a potentially dangerous operation involving 15 armed police officers , 2 of which had tracked the car in the force helicopter .
16 65 came from 68 balls , with 53 of them debited to the Warwickshire man .
17 And 30 of them had turnover of below £35m .
18 Nevertheless , out of 76 district planning authorities responding to the survey mentioned earlier , 30 of them granted planning permission for potential odour emitting uses subject to a condition relating to odour emission , being of the opinion that the imposition of conditions , including those relating to odour emission , were relevant to securing reasonable and proper planning objectives which complemented rather than conflicted with the responsibilities of the Director of Environmental Health in his dealing with public health matters under the public health legislation .
19 Accurate data on age and sex were supplied for 1389 patients with attacks , 300 of which occurred in boys aged 0–9 and 144 in girls aged 0–9 .
20 About 300 of them found work at either Stephenson 's or the North Road Works .
21 Associate membership costs $100 , and is mainly aimed at software developers , forty of which endorsed the effort .
22 Well now , are you surprised to learn that sixty of yes , but forty of you said no !
23 Finally 22 of us agreed to open our studios on two consecutive Sundays in June and to hold a ‘ post mortem party ’ in July .
24 Many of the most-feared militants were shot , and more than 700 of them surrendered .
25 More than 2,000 British volunteers flocked to fight the Fascists but 500 of them died and nearly all the survivors were wounded .
26 But Pau survived , and in the late 1860s was at its most popular with British and , by this time , some American winterers , with up to I , 500 of them registered yearly as staying or living there .
27 And eleven of them got involved in a fist fight in the middle of one of those New York streets .
28 There were only eleven of them left now : Carl Sandberg and Harald , four crew , and five Americans .
29 Eleven of them had been treated previously with size 10 French plastic stents for a mean duration of 15 ( 2–36 ) months .
30 In most years there were between thirty-three and thirty-five , only eleven of which had a continuous existence over the whole period .
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