Example sentences of "[num] [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Teachers in ‘ difficult ’ schools received an extra 75 annually ( as against 120 recommended by Plowden ) .
2 For latent damage , the three year period commences on the " date of knowledge " of the plaintiff ( s14(1) ( A ) of the Limitation Act 1980 inserted by CPA 1987 , Sched 1 ) .
3 Class B was won by Tranmere contestant Jim Gavin aboard Salamandra but it was a close call with Catch 32 owned by Jim Myerscough from Blundellsands .
4 In all , eight out of the eleven listed by Theophrastus had experienced long use by gem-cutters .
5 So it is not surprising to find the original paragraph 30 deleted by amendment and the substitution of new paragraphs 30 and 31 in its place .
6 The UN Security Council , convened at the request of France on Sept. 25 , adopted Resolution 713 sponsored by Belgium , France and the UK calling for a complete arms embargo on Yugoslavia and the immediate cessation of hostilities and requesting the Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , to assist with mediation .
7 France is the best-known example of this but there are plenty of others ; the riots in Tuscany in 1790 provoked by measures of this kind are a good example .
8 Lane M1 : pBR 322 cut by Hae III ; M2 : pBR 322 cut by Hinf I. The size ( in bp ) of various DNA fragments is indicated .
9 Lane M1 : pBR 322 cut by Hae III ; M2 : pBR 322 cut by Hinf I. The size ( in bp ) of various DNA fragments is indicated .
10 The Madrid newspaper El País of Feb. 17 reported that evidence had been uncovered of a 1985 plot by army officers to murder the king and overthrow the elected government .
11 The primary tumour had allele loss on the long arm of chromosome 5 ( probe : Lambda MS8 , 5q35-qter ) and the short arm of chromosome 17 shown by the probe p144-D6 ( 17p13 ) but not by the probe pYNZ22 ( 17p13 ) , while the recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma had allele losses on chromosome 12 shown by Lambda 43 ( 12q24.3-qter ) and chromosome 17 shown by both p144/D6 and pYNZ22 , but no allele loss on chromosome 5 ( Table I , Fig 2a-c ) .
12 Commenting on its figures ( see page seven ) , Datapoint Corp says that the decline in revenue as of January 30 was down mainly to unfavourable foreign currency translations and an interruption of the French subsidiary 's operations following a fire in its leased warehouse — but there are some bulls of the shares around these days : analyst Howard Harlow of New York 's Whale Securities sees a major turnaround and a doubling in value of the shares over the next 12 months ; he sees earnings of $0.60 a share in 1993 followed by $1.20 a share in 1994 .
13 2 Bounded by Glen Nevis on the north , the southern boundary of the Mamores is even better defined by Loch Leven and Loch Eilde Mor , to which their slopes descend steeply and roughly .
14 According to a decree of July 12 signed by Adil Carcani , Chairman of the Council of Ministers , some free enterprise was to be permitted in the services and handicrafts sector .
15 This type of link may be characterized by the stretch of apolar residues in the N-terminal β- strand A and a hydrogen bond network in domain 2 mediated by Ser-X-Pro at the start of β- strand A combined with Asn 161 and Ser 164 at the end of β- strand F and start of G ( residues in red ) .
16 Local abolition committees spread in 1788 prompted by Clarkson 's visits and perhaps by the Manchester committee 's circular letter to other towns .
17 The Minister for Public Works in the outgoing government , Giovanni Prandini , a Christian Democrat , was on June 12 warned by Rome magistrates that he was under investigation in connection with the allocation of public funds for the construction of a motorway in the Puglian province of Táranto .
18 A mask making workshop for children aged 5–15 led by Janet de Wagt , Bannerworks Community Arts .
19 Another fine eight-part composition , the motet ‘ Super flumina Babylonis ’ , was in 1583 sent by de Monte to William Byrd whom he must have met thirty years earlier during his visit to England as a member of Philip II 's chapel .
20 Soviet Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov gave warnings of impending economic collapse , including a prediction of a sharply reduced grain harvest , when he addressed a conference on July 2 attended by representatives from all 15 union republican governments and by President Gorbachev .
21 The Treasury now expects a fall of 1% in non-oil GDP in 1992 , followed by growth of 1% in 1993 : the average GDP growth in 1993 forecast by independents is 1 1/2 % .
22 Although Clinton now appeared certain to win the nomination — he had amassed 947 delegates compared with the 129 won by Brown — many senior Democrats believed that his candidacy could be beset , and possibly destroyed , by further personal scandals .
23 Median gastric mucosal synthesis of PGE 2 stimulated by vortex mixing was 16.2 ( 8.0–40.3 ) pg/mg ( n=65 ) in NSAID users and 51.4 ( 22.3–75.0 ) pg/mg ( n=23 ) in non-users ( p<0.001 ) .
24 Bob Martinez , a former Governor of Florida who had been defeated in the gubernatorial elections [ see above ] , was on Nov. 30 nominated by Bush as Bennett 's successor .
25 He missed the 1972 defeat by Neath with a broken ankle , returned for the '73 win over Cardiff and then missed the '74 defeat of Aberavon after needing 20 stitches in a head wound suffered in a charity match a week before the final .
26 However , N. lapillus is thought to have arisen from one of the Pacific species and not the other way round ( see p. 338 ) , so the 13 form probably arose from a 30 form by reduction .
27 Earlier in the month , a truce on April 12 brokered by EC envoy José Cutilheiro had effectively been ignored .
28 2 killed by wall of snow
29 Cowan scored the equaliser a minute before half time to bring his total for the season to 44 , beating the club record of 43 held by Martin Malone since 1973–74 .
30 No 3227 Set by George Cowley Can we please have imaginary entries for the ‘ This England ’ column — stories that you think ought to have happened , but somehow have n't yet .
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