Example sentences of "[num] [verb] [conj] their " in BNC.

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1 Of the 23 disabled professionals who had been accepted for training as disabled people , eight reported that their entry qualifications were better than average , and five thought that this had been a major factor in their acceptance for training .
2 In November the Six agreed that their foreign ministers would meet every three months .
3 Women in the 90s believe that their best interests are still not being represented by politicians ; despite all the talk of ‘ women 's charters ’ and changing demographics in their favour , 76% sense a ‘ bias towards men ’ .
4 Interestingly , 39 respondents said that their companies gave out emergency treatment kits to protect against non-sexual transmission of HIV but only six said that their companies gave out condoms to protect against sexual transmission .
5 The vote by their colleagues in Glasgow , two thirds of whom were in favour of a strike , is equally understandable : the small band of 550 suspect that their factory is doomed no matter if some part of the firm is rescued .
6 After twelve months five of these patients were free of all symptoms of angina while the other three found that their spasms were less frequent and less severe .
7 The three asserted that their only observation had been to suggest that because such a rumour was circulating it would be wise for it to be firmly denied or some enquiry made , and that they had not made any allegation against Profumo but only a suggestion for his benefit .
8 Figure 4 shows that their follow up time has ranged from seven to 55 months and the duration of their remission did not differ significantly ( p=0.1 ) from patients who did not have food sensitivity .
9 An article in Izvestiya of Aug. 17 commented that their failure to create a structured opposition stemmed from the conflict of interests between enterprise directors and the parliamentarians who had organized both conferences .
10 Maxie went on : ‘ Y ’ see , everyone who was at the tea will keep reading the social pages for the next day or two to see that their names are in the report of it ; and , with luck , inside that time , on the same pages there 'll be a report about your Morals Committee — then they 'll know why you had the books , and old Miss Angus will be put in her place .
11 According to the survey , 44 per cent of the sponsored students among the 14,000 engineers graduating in 1989 claimed that their work experience , averaging 13 months , has discouraged them from a career in engineering .
12 According to the survey , 44 per cent of the sponsored students among the 14,000 engineers graduating in 1989 claimed that their work experience , averaging 13 months , has discouraged them from a career in engineering .
13 Two soldiers of the Queen 's Own Hussars drowned and two escaped when their Chieftan tank rolled over into a canal at Hohne in West Germany on November 27 .
14 In this group of 27 respondents , only two specifically noted that they were able to spend their full time on training , another two did not offer any estimate of time , and a further two indicated that their time plus their assistant 's time equalled one full-time post .
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