Example sentences of "[num] [noun] while [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Cedomir Biga , a Serbian who died on 2 September while detained by Croatian police in Dreznik , was said by police to have died from a heart attack .
2 Whiteman , who played in the 1992 debacle , must have been spurred on by the memory as his rink took 13 shots over the last six ends while preventing the opposition from any further score .
3 Indeed the Irish performance bore little resemblance to the confident efforts of acknowledged Sevens experts and defending champions Fiji , who ran all over and around Malaysia to win the opening game 49–0 , or Australia , who started by scoring 47 points while conceding a lone try to Singapore .
4 Driving a ‘ Bluebird ’ , newly designed by Kenneth and Lewis Norris , using a Bristol-Siddeley Proteus jet engine , he sustained a hairline skull fracture in a crash at 365 m.p.h. while assaulting the land record of 394.2 m.p.h. , set by John Cobb [ q.v. ] in 1947 .
5 Foundry worker David Parr sank the booze at 10 bars in three hours while delivering darts fixtures .
6 DARLINGTON Memorial Hospital managers are still investigating claims that a 90year-old woman was forgotten for three hours while waiting for an operation .
7 After a short while Alexander noticed that he was doing three things while reciting ; these actions were not present when using his normal speaking voice :
8 Mrs Lamb , who lives in Middlesbrough , has urged the Home Office to act after she was sprayed with lager by three youths while sitting in her car in Hartlepool .
9 If your energy or health bar reaches zero it 's game over , but a knackered weapon soon reappears — you just have to take half a dozen blows while retrieving it !
10 Do n't forget you 'll be able to enjoy all the benefits of a Club 18–30 holiday while making a big saving on price .
11 AN IRA terrorist who claims he was involved in more than a dozen killings while acting as a police informer was arrested yesterday .
12 Equally impressive at the Morrison Centre were Ken Bousfield , Ken MacMaster , John Lynch and skip Alan Moore who conceded only eight singles while collecting a string of twos and threes at the start and after a strong finish to register 23 shots in all .
13 The author Michael Thornton , a family friend , said : ‘ Charles Sweeny was taken ill on 11 March while sitting beside a swimming pool in the summer resort of Bar Harbour , south Maine , which was a favourite place of his .
14 Paul Prescott had to learn more than a thousand lines while studying for five A levels .
15 In the first a female employee received a potentially fatal electric shock of perhaps five and a half thousand volts while testing ovens for high voltage leakage .
16 They were arrested on 5 October while staging a peaceful protest to highlight repression in Bophuthatswana .
17 RECORD-breaker Fenra Wolf , 37 , of Brimington , Derbys , stood barefoot on a bed of nails for 58 seconds while holding 400lbs of cement .
18 Sarah Hunt , 74 , was left soaked in blood after holding her sister for at least 25 minutes while waiting for an ambulance to arrive after the tragedy in Bishop Auckland .
19 He was stabbed in the early hours of 6 February while walking in Whitehouse Loan with his brother , Peter , and a friend , Tom Cole , who was also stabbed .
20 The prototype of the new Fast Afloat Boat 3 ( see pa 90 of this issue ) carried out her first service on 29 May while returning from Salcombe to Weymouth , where she was based for some days for familiarisation trials .
21 These days the Glaswegian goes for consistency in the first ten places while riding as an understudy to a leader like LeMond .
22 A major company signed him up , and he had a series of top ten hits while building a serious reputation .
23 British Waterways lowered the water in the section by ten inches while laying a sewage pipe underneath the canal and say a further drop in levels was caused by a leaking paddle on a lock gate .
24 One of the evolutionary advantages of segmentation ( the division of the body into a series of similar parts ) is that it becomes possible to maintain an old function and acquire a new one simultaneously , by modifying the organs of one segment while leaving those of another unchanged .
25 Damage to a particular part of the brain affects one function while leaving all others intact .
26 The decision to look for a significant equity partner appears to be Virgin 's attempt to keep out of the clutches of the five majors while remaining a credible force in the worldwide music business .
27 The humour of letting go of the wheelbarrow while clapping , and of trying to stamp one foot while walking , without injury to the other , dulled the pain .
28 The position of the contact is determined by a microprocessor built into the tablet which scans the top film in one direction while scanning the lower resistive film in the other .
29 For Mr. Cleaver to seek to demonise one side while leaving out huge relevant chunks of history is hardly conducive to a proper understanding of the issues , let alone their resolution .
30 Indeed , it is said that he composed one aria while waiting for the rice to cook .
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