Example sentences of "[num] [adj] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 So how would you change that forty five into a ninety now ?
2 Over a period of two months we released some 300 000 into a small village in Upper Volta in West Africa .
3 Henry III married into the house of Provence ; Edward I was allied by marriage to Castile and then ( after 1299 ) France ; Edward II to France ; Edward III to Hainault .
4 The courses of four major drift-filled valley systems incised up to 100 m into the Chalk have been defined beneath the till .
5 Anyway , six thousand into a standard P E P , now er P E Ps are erm er an instrument which were basically to do with shares , originally and the shares were invested in U K companies , and er the real dividend value of a sh the share , the , the shares have a dividend , and the real value of a P E P is the dividend yield .
6 I mean I If we have ten thousand pounds , we could put four thousands into an , an annuity , and say six thousand into a P E P , to give a simple example , and the P E P could then accumulate value over the te over the five years , let's assume it 's a five year one , but it could be ten .
7 Assuming a fair wind on major infrastructure , access , and drainage , it is unlikely that a new settlement would be producing a significant group of housings until somewhere around , at the very best , end ninety six into the of ninety seven period , in that context , what is happening in that short intervening period , assuming certain planning guidance comes forward to help that intervening period , and will that new settlement actually be built out prior to two prior to two thousand and six , will the fourteen hundred dwellings be built in that period , question mark , probably not , it will lap over , therefore in that context of a gap at the beginning , and a potential overlap at the end , it is very important again to revisit the peripheral land issue .
8 Lenin and the Bolsheviks had grasped the supreme political importance of the railways and the press as instruments for turning their domination of some cities of European Russia in 191 7 into an all-Russian revolution .
9 So where , if I 'm putting twelve thousand in for sort of a , a holding fund for , for individuals I might put three thousand into a local society so they can pop down to the Nottingham Building Society for any bits and pieces , and th the , the bulk of it can go into a postal account to , with a better rate .
10 On that cruise the ship 's drilling bit , after being lowered through 3 km of water , bored through a thin veneer of sediments and 600 m into the underlying basalts ; it had successfully penetrated the ocean crust for the first time .
11 As The Maniacs Came Killing I rolled three more into the trusty Smith and West Point and took up a manly pose .
12 Er well in that case then , I , I put eight thousand into a building society for easy access , car , holiday , , whatever ,
13 Russell may be out of the England side , but he 's not down ; hitting a cracking 6 high into the crowd in the last over of the match .
14 ‘ They have turned a £14 billion surplus into a massive deficit . ’
15 Well , I thought he should put erm er about ten thousand into a building society er type investment
16 So you 've got ten thousand into the building society .
17 Stress tends to move , or strain , the fibres , crystals , granules or molecules and cause them to slide over one another into a deformation of the material .
18 Subject-matter , in the Skinnerian teaching machine , was broken down into small steps which built upon one another into a great complexity , the student making successive responses and receiving the reinforcement of immediate confirmation at each stage .
19 The commander of the unit of Russian ( formerly Soviet ) Internal Troops still based in Tskhinvali made it clear , however , that the " volunteers " would not be allowed to mount attacks against Georgian villages , and that his forces were there " to prevent the Georgians and Ossetians … from drawing one another into a war " .
20 But the conversation at college dinners suggests that the Delegates would prefer the interface between Gown and Grub Street to be controlled by an academic , and the appointment of one such into a sort of non-executive chairman 's role is made possible by the fact that OUP has strong divisional managing directors .
21 1974 : TV advertised discs go into overdrive as Arcade , K-Tel and Ronco plough over one million into the UK music biz .
22 Stir one third into the hot milk chocolate custard and the rest into the plain .
23 There was a stage about two thirds into the first half when ( because they had n't scored yet despite aggressive assaults on the West Ham box ) Batty square-balled it after crossing into their area .
24 What was agreed there will lead to an injection of no more than twenty four billion into the European economy .
25 West , like a great wave frozen at its point of turning under , lay the City , its walls soaring two li into the heavens .
26 I mean I If we have ten thousand pounds , we could put four thousands into an , an annuity , and say six thousand into a P E P , to give a simple example , and the P E P could then accumulate value over the te over the five years , let's assume it 's a five year one , but it could be ten .
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