Example sentences of "[num] [adj] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Eight fifty is on the end down there .
2 So the 3,813 papers transferred at 0.39 each were worth 1487.07 votes to Craig .
3 After 1934 this was to be combined with the anti-semitic obsession of both ultra-conservative reactionary fascism and racial nationalist traditions in the BUF , despite the fact that it was expressed in slightly less virulent form and appeared to have more social roots .
4 Forty five is like the Bs .
5 Forty five is in your five times tables .
6 By the end of 1986–7 , some 2.5 million square feet of commercial space had been completed and another 7.5 million was under construction ( National Audit Office , 1988b ) .
7 These were now reduced to 56 million , of which only 22 million was to be cut from unemployment benefits .
8 Er yes , er the six forty is plus V A T.
9 I think it would be very helpful to the panel to know what proportion of that thirty six thousand is within the district , within the Greater York area , do n't ask for that to be done now , because it may well involve some difficult arithmetic , perhaps it 's tonight 's homework .
10 Four are already in service and six more are under construction .
11 Hundreds more are in our prisons , which are the wrong place for such people .
12 Of the dwellings built in Glasgow between 1866 and 1874 three-quarters were of one and two rooms only , and even these were soon overfilled .
13 One can , for instance , employ letters of the alphabet , but if the list of major subjects goes past 26 one is in trouble .
14 Well I would nineteen maybe nineteen eighteen be near the finish of the war .
15 Nineteen twenty-two was from the beginning an uneasy year for the Coalition .
16 If the early nineteen nineties are as testing a time for U S and U K markets as many people predict I 'm nonetheless confident that Pearson is better placed than most companies to withstand this .
17 That is minus two that is minus three that is minus four , that is minus five .
18 When it comes to exercise three that 's on page five , exercise three .
19 Lazzlo Kalmar , the director general of Hungary 's National Labour Organisation , meanwhile , appeared to confirm that plans to introduce a nationwide computer network to automate the payment of benefits to Hungary 's 663,000 unemployed was on hold .
20 Several hundred thousand Spaniards and non-Spaniards had died on the battlefields of Spain between 1936 and 1939 ; at least 200,000 more were to be executed during the next few years , 2,000,000 would suffer imprisonment or forced labour , and millions more again faced a lifetime of discrimination for having fought on behalf of the Republic .
21 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the launching of the first Trident submarine yesterday , and the fact that three more are under construction , is the minimum insurance policy that the country can afford to accept in a dangerous and uncertain world ?
22 Three more are in preparation , and the Society 's Refrigerator Thermometers are available at £1.99 each with discounts for quantities over ten .
23 Erm should the erm that , given that er , sorry , that the er , er O P C S in fact erm er after every census makes er guesses about its accuracy erm would erm the spokesman , is the spokesman aware that in fact O P C S has said that a fair erm representation of the intercensal increase in population in Leicestershire er between nineteen eighty one and nineteen ninety one is in fact fifteen thousand people and does n't he feel that to provide for fifty three thousand in the structure plan is a little over the top ?
24 So that one , the Three one is about the Afghan war .
25 All Welsh counties for instance are limited to increasing their budgets of one point seven on point seven five percent over nineteen ninety three , ninety four are as the cities of Cardiff and Swansea and the borough of Newport and it is this cap of one point seven percent as my honourable friend for Cardiff South and Penarth has pointed out , which is at the route of the funding problems of the South Wales police authority area .
26 Er out of the eighteen thousand two hundred and thirteen dwellings , three hundred and er three thousand one hundred and sixty nine are in Langbar adjoining Cle er North Yorkshire , three thousand two hundred and thirty three dwellings are in Middlesbrough adjoining North Yorkshire , and seven thousand eight hundred and thirty four dwellings are in Stockton , of which four thousand three hundred are at Ingleby which d , directly also adjoins the North Yorkshire boundary , so I I think that I must make that quite clear that the majority of these dwellings provided for in the Cleveland structure plan are erm comparable in terms of er the that area .
27 Egypt 's debt to the USA was estimated at dollars 10,000 million , of which dollars 4,500 million was for military purchases .
28 There is also a short three-residue stretch comprising residues 44–46 between helices I and II that is in the β -strand conformation .
29 So perhaps in some ways er we would deduce from this that the the motive of the revolutionaries in sixty eight was in perhaps to some extent to complete what had been started in seventeen eighty nine but not finished and somebody would , Clinton presumably he would say I 'm gon na complete the programme that John F Kennedy started , but was unable to finish because the tragic way in which his career was ended .
30 That 's sixty that 's for sixty odd years .
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