Example sentences of "[num] [noun] give [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 But his bold substitution — putting on Merson after 70 minutes to give his side a third orthodox striker — provided the missing ingredient .
2 More than 700 farmers gave their backing to the Carlisle mart firm Harrison & Hetherington which had called the meeting because it believes the new system could paralyse cattle marketing .
3 Interested groups such as businessmen , shoppers and environmentalists will be given three months to give their views .
4 Three months gave her time to give notice on her present job , and , with luck , have funds released from her grandfather 's estate , the mortgage secured , and , hopefully , the sale of the flat completed .
5 Because of the way in which our sample of interviewees was structured , the proportions are not representative , but another more random sample of 54 service users in the same three districts gives their key workers as 61 per cent community psychiatric nurses , 15 per cent social workers , 7 per cent each hospital nurses and group-workers , 6 per cent psychiatrists and 4 per cent others ( psychologist , community nurse — mental health ) .
6 At the end of 1862 Chicherin gave his letter to Herzen a wider currency by assigning it pride of place in a book of essays on the principal political questions of the day .
7 and I put twenty thousand pounds to give , I , I mean I took it that she would use her allowance , er I took it erm as twenty thousand pounds to give his wife as high a possible gross earning
8 One cabbage give your pet rabbit for the
9 The black patch hiding one eye gave his cruel , sharp face an even more sinister aspect .
10 He was a good head taller than she was , and in other circumstances she would have judged him the heart-throb type , with his dramatic dark looks , reckless mouth , strong jaw and a piratical scar across one cheek giving his faultless right profile the touch of humanity it needed .
11 Points out that even though no more than week long , seemed to last approx. 2000 years given their children with talent for running away from home/eating razor blades/climbing into boot of car to die/vomiting continuously/fighting with our children in between asthma bouts .
12 Only one thing gave her pause .
13 their high tea , were n't bothered about high tea , but still , er then , they 'd have , they might have a supper because she ai n't been a work , their elderly , they perhaps have a good tea , the they , they went to bed at nine and they said if I was reading something , they said , you know turn the gas out when you come up and , there you are well you can see , if one landlady gave me egg for me lunch that I had n't had , they not , they were n't gon na feed you up at supper time were they ?
14 , Aeneas ( c. 1780–1852 ) , exciseman and inventor of the Coffey still , was born about 1780 , probably in Dublin ( though one source gives his birthplace as Calais ) , the son of Andrew Coffey , the city engineer of Dublin , who was employed in the Dublin City Waterworks from 1774 to 1832 .
15 The Barbara was launched in 1926 ; two 6-cylinder Diesel engines in series generated a total 745 kW to give her 2840 tonne gross a maximum design speed of 19 km/h .
16 Between 1341 and 1343 Dušan gave his support to a claimant to the Byzantine throne , John Cantacuzenus , whose daughter married the Ottoman ruler Orhan .
17 RAY McCarron , Monaghan 's rotund scoring machine was up to his old tricks at Castleblayney when he fired in two goals to give his side an Ulster championship lifeline .
18 In 1805 Jesty gave his evidence in London at the institute 's invitation , when he was presented with a long testimonial and pair of gold-mounted lancets .
19 Over three hundred individuals give their time freely to support the R Y A where they are experienced on one central committee or another .
20 Goalkeeper Joanne Rule was the heroine , making five penalty flick stops after a 0–0 draw to give her captain Gemma Beeston the chance to net the winner .
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