Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The commemoration ( now annual ) involved the setting up of over fifty camp sites in the Dorset countryside , complete with tents and catering services .
2 His judgment was called into question earlier this year when he sang on a chat show just hours after an IRA bomb killed eight building workers in Co Tyrone .
3 Briefly , aliquots of the dried extracts were treated with 0.03 N NaOH in methanol for two hours at room temperature .
4 Briefly , aliquots of the dried extracts were treated with 0.03 N NaOH in methanol for 2 hours at room temperature .
5 This is a twenty four foot by eleven foot lounge in this one !
6 At least five of the 74 HZDS members in parliament followed Mr Knazko 's advice .
7 They 've never seen the people they phone them every week saying do you want a fifty pound advert in a paper which is dumped the next day .
8 Pearson made no fewer than eight quota films in one year at Julius Hagen 's Twickenham Studios , where one small stage was occupied around the clock , and pictures that had been scripted in a fortnight were filmed in another two weeks .
9 The 1925 Druze rebellion in Lebanon and Syria was put down with great brutality and with the help of gangs of Armenian gunmen who had been armed by the French in order to attack the rebels .
10 Note that if there are eight data planes in each memory bank ( giving 256 levels per colour ) then the number of combinations is 256 3 or 16 777 216 .
11 If 1HCO were transported per unitary charge of a 200pA uptake current , an efflux of 2x10 -15 mols -1 , then the 4x10 -15 mol HCO in a 10 -14 m 3 cell would be lost in 2s .
12 Of the 318 clergy jobs in the diocese , ten have already gone with 26 yet to be found .
13 To our disbelief it was really very much more abundant than we could ever have thought possible , so we 've actually been able to find molecules with eleven carbon atoms in a chain , floating around in space , and for which we really at the present time have no explanation .
14 Amplification is one GK 100RB head through eight 10″ speakers in one 4x10 GK cabinet and one 4x10 Mesa Boogie cabinet .
15 The arsonists also buried 32 shotgun cartridges in the pitch .
16 If Scotland had eight David Soles in their side today I for one would not be there . ’
17 These represent either two 16S rDNA genes in Nasonia Wolbachia or infection by two different bacterial strains .
18 Stimulation of suspensions of HGT-1 cells with histamine at 37°C produced a rapid , 4.5 fold increase in cyclic AMP content above basal at one minute , which was subsequently attenuated between five and 30 minutes , although remaining above basal ( Fig 1A ) .
19 The terms are 225p cash a share — 20 times brokers ' 1992 earnings forecasts — but five of Worcester 's top managers , including chairman Cecil Duckworth , are exchanging most of their holdings for a 32 p.c. stake in the new Bosch subsidiary that will own the business .
20 Melt 2 oz butter in saucepan , add the flour and cook for 1 minute .
21 Melt 2 oz butter in a large frying pan , cook onions and garlic until transparent , add mushrooms and cook for 3 minutes .
22 ABOVE : Ben Weaver hooked this 19 lb 2 oz specimen in the nick of time — a few moments later gale force winds made fishing impossible .
23 The headquarters of the KGB is 2 Dzerzhinsky Square in the heart of Moscow , close to the Kremlin , and incorporates the site of the notorious Lubyanka prison where so many opponents of the Russian regime have been tortured and murdered .
24 Of the 300 electronics plants in ‘ Silicon Glen ’ an overwhelming number are foreign-owned ; the potential for future losses in the competitive computer industry is great .
25 The company claims it has more than 1,600 user sites in the US , Europe and the Pacific region .
26 The GP is the one who is very likely to know his patient well and if he finds him with chest pain of at least 15 or 30 minutes duration in the classic distribution , with no previous complaints , and obviously not a malingerer , that individual should have thrombolysis as rapidly as possible .
27 In passing through the hazes and clouds some of the gaseous H 2 O would dissolve in the H 2 SO 4 particles , thus diminishing the H 2 O abundance in the atmosphere above the clouds .
28 B was enjoined from using the patent ; see also Industrial Development Consultants v Cooley [ 1972 ] 2 All ER 192. 2 Express duties In some instances all of the duties which are implied by law during the currency of an employment contract will be expressly included in such a contract .
29 In 1975 there were only about forty university graduates in the country and the departure of the Portuguese settlers who had monopolized skilled and white-collar jobs left the economy in a state of collapse .
30 Experts say a forty foot crack in a medieval transept wall could have led to disaster .
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