Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After 4 attempts and 2 hours they finally got 568 kayaks strung together and held only by hands for 30 seconds before departing 5km down to Holme Pierrepont for a fun afternoon .
2 When these are delivered , it will sell most of the 43 aircraft it now owns to keep its fleet the youngest — and hence cheapest to maintain — in the world .
3 Section 151 of the 1985 Act which generally limits companies from assisting people to buy shares in them .
4 Of the 105 countries who originally signed the convention , only 22 have subsequently ratified it .
5 Two campaigners , an Englishman and a Frenchman , brushed away tears as they recalled 453 airmen who never returned from World War 2 sorties .
6 ‘ For 30 years I always painted on the spot , even in deep snow .
7 Bob Peckham has been juggling for 12 years he regularly entertains shoppers in Oxford city centre .
8 The 12 jurors who eventually emerged , acquitting themselves both responsibly and wisely , were mocked all through the trial for their necessary ignorance .
9 The travelling showman William Haggar 's The Life of Charles Peace ( 1905 ) may be less achieved but the sympathy it elicits for the ingenious villain who had been hanged in 1879 marks it out as a piece of genuine popular entertainment .
10 Read this little name fifty fifty engine it just does n't get you along very good , does it ?
11 A PLOT 70 15ft which just accommodates three people at a time hardly seems a typical garden to open to the public .
12 After 45 minutes they finally emerged from the storm under broken cloud , and then made good time to Rangoon .
13 Nextdoor are 10 year-olds who also spent the previous day at Home farm — looking at wildlife in hedgerows and a pond and checking for pollution .
14 In fact , Los Angeles scared him a little and for the first six months he barely ventured out of the house alone .
15 I can have one of these now I 've been the worst I 've been for about six months I really !
16 Erm you will see that in section one , I 've identified six sectors which broadly relate to the main er the primary roots which er cross the Greater York area .
17 These include Great Barrier Reef trips in amphibians , Grand Canyon trips with Las Vegas 's Scenic Airlines , the Bolivian 727 crews who routinely take off and land at airports over 13,000 feet amsl , and others .
18 Eduard 's gentle insistence that we try a few gems from the cellars of Veuve Cliquot roughly translated into six bottles which rapidly topped up our reservoirs of ‘ entente cordiale . ’
19 He selected 47 pilots who mostly came from the ranks of the retired or off-duty military with extensive T–6 and formation experience .
20 Greenpeace is mounting a campaign against drift nets and Xavier Pastor , the Mediterranean co-ordinator , comments that some 800-900 of the 1,200 boats which regularly use drift nets come from Italy .
21 Within six weeks their most aggressive rivals had a new de Chavigny campaign under way — and not on the drawing-boards , but on the pages of every major magazine in the country .
22 ‘ Some people think the Christmas holiday is the 10 days we just had off from school , but I think it 's more than that .
23 George , sister Alison and father George senior work with brewer John to produce six brews which now sell from Cornwall to Alloa .
24 ‘ Next thing we were playing support on a Mary Black tour and from doing folk club gigs for maybe 100 customers I suddenly found myself doing 20 nights in a row in front of 2,000 people or more . ’
25 When Lilly finally handed over reports from the June symposium to the Committee on Safety of Medicines on 7 October it also proposed that the data sheets of information to doctors be changed to recommend ‘ half doses to the elderly ’ , according to the DHSS press office , or ‘ reduction of dosage to over 75s ’ according to the health minister .
26 One of the favourites is Brian Smith ( Banana ) , the 1991 champion who now lives on the Isle of Man .
27 Paddy Smith 's 8F 48151 powers it way up the Furness mainline .
28 Six patients who ultimately presented with gastrointestinal symptoms reported long histories from 9 to 50 years .
29 However , it is a staggering fact that 9 out of 10 people who successfully lose weight on a " diet " put the weight back on again afterwards .
30 As the group grew to 2,000 people I still knew the key people and was able to approach them even in the latter days when I was one of many . ’
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