Example sentences of "[vb base] off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The devout and those with a full itinerary hurry off to the Abbey as the bell tolls for communion .
2 Hurry off for the bran .
3 Two clipped young Gurkhas peel off to the side as the Queen stands before the two great thrones , flanked by a clutch of Yeomen of the Guard , pikes resting on their shoulders .
4 Jeez , it looks like all the players and wives nip off down the bank for a quick gas up north .
5 My heart ached for her as I realised that she had joined the ranks of so many others I had known , who had watched their men fly off into the dusk , never to be heard of again .
6 I 'll tell you another thing , whatever the Spitting Images say about John he pays his money , he does n't grab his bermuda shorts and a wristwatch and fly off to the sunny islands .
7 Workers observing it and about to leave on their own foraging , immediately fly off in the direction indicated .
8 It 's not only the alcohol that 's suffered from self-enforced cutbacks : the Franks ( ironically enough ) used to be a Martini band — any gig , any town , any night , they 'd pack their guitars and socks and head off into the Tranzophobic sunset , until exhaustion fully reared its head and the heart decided that home was definitely the place to be .
9 We all head off into the bloody storm , and then this whole horror comic gets sorted out when we 're back in the real world .
10 There 's a rigourous routine of hard practice before the party from the Dragon School in Oxford head off for the African continent .
11 I head off along the road and make for Deptford High Street , swinging my bag of clothes like I was going on holiday .
12 Tony and I drag our boats up the beach and head off to the rocks , our balance oddly disturbed by the many hours afloat .
13 In the kind of yuppy apartment in which they lived , the chimpanzees would signal ‘ GO SINK ’ and head off to the kitchen sink .
14 Instead , preceding even the title page is the injunction ‘ Immediately after buying this book , send off for the eight mail order catalogues listed on p.357 ’ .
15 Again , send off for the school prospectus and find out the school 's aims and objectives .
16 Send off for the copies you missed and complete your collection of Britain 's newest , brightest gardening magazine .
17 We were being given a marvellous send off by the people there but I was not too sure about the starting pistol that George McGuire was wielding though , maybe I would be put out of my misery sooner than I thought !
18 To celebrate the occasion , they were given an emotional send off by the bus drivers who 've spent the last three years transporting them to and from home .
19 THE HARD ONS , raucous Australians on Vinyl Solution , stop off in the UK on their European tour visiting Birmingham Barrel Organ
20 From this main part smaller wings spread off like the suburbs of a city .
21 David Branch , Peter Evans and David Miller had just teed off at the 15th hole in a competition .
22 Twenty golfers teed off in the Rex Newsam Memorial Trophy golf outing at Ganstead Park — and when the scores were counted , Paul Robinson was the winner .
23 And you go out and do the same thing again and you 're getting le let off for the same thing all the time and you think you 're going to get away with it all the time .
24 They had organized a decoy system whereby Carolyn drove Diana 's car to entice her press pursuers away and then Diana would emerge from Coleherne Court and walk off in the other direction .
25 When nuclear family segments break off from the joint family for one reason or another , the values of the joint family nevertheless continue to plague them .
26 Sometimes quite large ‘ solid ’ blocks break off from the flow , with the same kind of clean fracture , and then , since they are still very hot , continue to flow slightly !
27 When trodden on , these spines puncture flesh and usually break off inside the resulting wounds , ensuring the prolonged insertion of the painful poisons .
28 There might seem to be a number of inherent problems in producing a journal on British Surrealism , namely that the possibility of live interviews will diminish as the first generation of these artists and writers die off in the next few years ; secondly , there seems to be a tendency on the part of those who produce surrealist literature to make it look surrealist , although the rather bitty appearance of the present journal is probably as much to do with its very low budget ( a small grant from the University of London ) as with its artistic affiliations .
29 Also , with healthy deciduous trees , the leaves all come with great show every Spring and die off in the Autumn — but more come each successive year cos the tree has grown a bit so the foliage is thicker , more complex in structure — until it dies of course .
30 People pushed and shoved , stared at his madder lake suit , trousers cut off at the knee .
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