Example sentences of "[vb base] come [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 So linguists too tend to come up with grammatically correct , but somewhat peculiar examples : ‘ Sincerity may frighten the boy ’ ( Chomsky 1965:63 ) and so on .
2 Mm well maybe , I mean to come up with a , a clear example .
3 And if you want to come home with traditional Portuguese pottery then your best bet would be the Minho region , north of Oporto , where street markets sell the distinctive , bright designs for a third of the price of Lisbon shops .
4 ‘ And I want to come in with you , and make sure you have everything you need . ’
5 If she will babysit then they will come out with us , if she ca n't babysit and they want to come out with us , and Dave , Clare will be able to tell me when I see her .
6 ‘ We expect to come back with lots of information and ideas on all aspects and ideas of neo-natal care , said Sister Gavey .
7 ‘ I do n't think it will take the investigators long to come up with enough to disqualify Louis from international yacht racing .
8 ‘ Our resources are limited , but we hope to come up with some constructive recommendations , ’ said Coun Coppinger after the group 's first meeting yesterday .
9 Somehow The Shamen manage to come up with something for everyone , to keep all the factions of club culture happy .
10 Funny how with all their computers and name-matching , these people never seem to come up with offers of anything one actually wants : Diners Club France has chosen Cardpac , Sema Group Plc 's software package for managing credit cards , to support a ‘ new commercial strategy and to develop its financial and non-financial services ’ in a contract said to be worth between $1.45m and $1.8m : ‘ We will use Cardpac to follow our clients ’ activity and to construct a database segmented by expenses , in order to understand client profiles better and to adapt our offers to their needs , ’ said Rolf Harff , managing director of Diners Club France .
11 They they seem to come up with something new every year do n't they ?
12 When people go out for the night they like to come away with being entertained .
13 I found it invaluable last time I was doing i b you know if , if you say to somebody y you know come beforehand with what you 're doing well , what , where the difficulties are , what the obstacles are .
14 The tapes and scores which they produce come across with real sincerity , and display surprisingly high levels of competence .
15 After working through this example try to come up with some other bass line/double-stop ideas of your own .
16 Do n't these people realise that dozens of reviewers are likely to spend several hours gazing blankly at the album sleeve as they try to come up with some natty simile to describe the musical contents therein ?
17 ‘ It ca n't be helping much , if you keep coming up with crazy ideas about what I 'm supposed to be up to . ’
18 Amazingly , all Sony 's competitors doubt the success of the mini-portable and fail to come up with rival versions for almost a year .
19 ‘ You 're on the verge of losing it anyway unless you start coming up with some answers . ’
20 We 're going to have a period , before toys start coming in with the EC label , when we 've a gap with very little to sell .
21 And that helped , because then you have no preconceived ideas , so if you do come up with something , it 's going to be something unusual . ’
22 I was called away one morning , somebody came along to me and said will you come along to Street , there 's a chap playing up , old Harry , he 's trying to build a shed or something and it 's two o'clock in the morning , none of us can sleep , do come along with me .
23 You do come back with somebody sitting
24 Whereas at the time it was a thin old wicket — you know , ‘ Madness are a bit thick and they do come out with some bollocks sometimes , so I do n't know if I can throw my weight behind them ’ . ’
25 Dass come up with the curtains , they 're down in the Courtesy Cleaners .
26 Then the answer is to combine a fitness routine with something you 're doing already — and that 's why we 've come up with our great series of supermarket trolley exercises !
27 They 've come up with a solar-powered , infrared-pulsating , microchip bee backpack .
28 These guitars represent total design philosophies , not marketing exercises where a manufacturer or ad agency has tried to hoodwink us into believing the instrument really is different because its headstock is slightly more rounded than the Ibanez — or whatever other triviality they 've come up with that month .
29 But now they 've come up with two original-design guitars .
30 After lots of thought I 've come up with this solution and hope it will be helpful to others .
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