Example sentences of "[vb base] out [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 At extremely fast tempos this lilt is lost and they even out as they would in a funk or fusion context .
2 The light pulses spread out as they travel : this limits the information the fibre can carry .
3 Though many genetic fluctuations do occur , most die out because they fail to confer any survival advantages on gut-dwelling microbes .
4 ‘ I 'd probably wait here in my 4 by 4 with the lights off and then charge out so they have to swerve , only there ai n't anywhere to swerve to . ’
5 Now Canada is where young men hang out when they really ought to be in Vietnam .
6 They do , they think people did it to me so I 'm gon na do it to them they just do it as a way of getting back , it 's not is this what people do , they know it 's not right they just do it because they think well we had to sit there for hours on look out so they can too .
7 Many people spend money chronologically rather than strategically , with the result that they run out before they 've done everything .
8 But these things stand out because they go against the trend on the streets — and in parliament .
9 Jean 's black curly hair Hew out as they swung round and her cheeks , always so ripe that they looked as though they would bleed at the touch of a straw , reddened more richly than ever .
10 These wishes go straight back to childhood , and so religion represents a transference from childhood and a kind of emotional infantilism in which people try and make out that they 're still children , as it were , even though they , even though they really are n't .
11 Make out that they 've been right bastards to .
12 Then you can come and sit near me and find out whether they will be of any use .
13 To rectify such mistakes may take extensive exposure to different usage from other speakers around them , before children find out that they have a real case of no difference in meaning ( Clark , 1987,1988 ) .
14 They find out that they 'll be competing against three local councillors from Kent , one from each of the main political parties — everyone crosses their fingers that they wo n't be able to agree on an answer .
15 Securicor have joined the cowboys on the contract guarding and really I mean you must be getting sick of us getting up every time about security guards , but it 's an important problem and you must know that a lot of you must work at places where you 've got guards on the gate and we all should take a bit of interest in going to see these guards , find out that they 're working for two pound or two pound forty an hour , they 're working as many hours a week as they 'll actually work with no overtime rate , no night rate , no benefits worth having and I mean really I wish you 'd go to your companies and try and arrange site allowances , cos that 's the only way we 'll get any improvements , but when we talk about resolving grievances , we just took in Yorkshire region someone to a tribunal for constructive dismissal .
16 But then find out that they are all to do with computer stuff that I do n't understand and so therfore can not enjoy .
17 Get as interested in others as God is : find out where they 're at .
18 ‘ John , I want you to go to Buller 's Hill House and find out where they all are .
19 Aldrich and Brown — find out where they were yesterday afternoon .
20 If you are worried about anything , particularly your pet or pets , then either before you go under the anaesthetic or as soon as you are conscious , ask the nurse to ring your neighbour and find out if they received your message and whether everything is all right .
21 That 's the way you find out if they 've slept with somebody , ask them if they 're on the Pill .
22 If you 're using an IFA , find out if they hold professional indemnity insurance cover , too .
23 Now we find out if they really do n't know what became of him .
24 Parents who leave the kids with the babysitter and go out because they feel they should are among the biggest culprits .
25 And I said is my caravan being cleaned weekly as people go out if they 've got it for a fortnight fortnightly .
26 and that comes free , that 's right , that comes free so two people go out and they share the cost of the meal .
27 The people who have raised the petition , in particular the Scunthorpe pensioners rights campaign , point out that they seek not only the restoration of the link that was broken in 1979 , but also parity with pensions in Europe .
28 Just point out that they might be redundant and
29 I ca n't tell you who to love , or how to love : those school courses would be how-not-not-to as much as how-to classes ( it 's like creative writing — you ca n't teach them how to write or what to write , only usefully point out where they 're going wrong and save them time ) .
30 Put any group of players together and watch the torture as they painfully suss out where they fit in the ability stakes , and watch the most inept contract into a meek and confused , self-effacing heap .
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