Example sentences of "[vb base] that people be " in BNC.

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1 Belatedly , I realise that people are walking on peanut shells , wall to wall .
2 But growers say that people are being conned because some spanish plumbs are being labelled as Victorias — which they 're not :
3 But the black clouds are still there , as latest figures from the Bank of England show that people are still paying off their debts and saving , not spending .
4 ‘ The lending figures show that people are still not prepared to take on new credit and this will restrain any turnaround in the economy , ’ said Ian Amstad , of US-based Bankers Trust .
5 I hope that people are beginning to realise the scale of abortion ’ .
6 Er , first of all , I ensure that people are not de-counted unless they have er , wished to go and maybe that their their dwellings are er , in er a state of er , disrepair or there 's something structurally wrong that they feel unsafe er , in them and then er , they are , I do n't like the word de-counted , but then they er , are offered er other accommodation .
7 I suspect that people are laughing by now , but I do n't care .
8 we would assume the speaker had eaten the pineapple , not the table ( even though the word table is nearer ) because we know that people are more likely to eat pineapples than tables .
9 Colleagues , I know that people are starting to move out , and I 'm sure that it 's got nothing to do with Mick 's appearance at the rostrum , but colleagues seriously , seriously for the last couple of days we 've had a great deal of disciplines so please try and be as quiet as possible .
10 We know from the housing benefit system that there is a backlog of cases , I think hundred and a , quite a considerable number of people of where people are having problems producing wage receipts and evidence of income now and one dreads to think of the burden that will be putting on the letting section by erm inventing yet another system o of this kind erm I think people we know that people are wary already of applying for benefits because of means testing and I think that there 's that it would simply discourage people who really are in need from coming forward .
11 ‘ I know that people are not going out of their way to create problems but I believe the national side has a great role to play in terms of providing players with status , confidence and a substantially increased market value .
12 You know that people were able to afford this like everything else er mass produced I mean at er that the public get the benefit .
13 Remember that people were then leaving school at 12 or 14 and there was no secondary education available in the town .
14 I assume that people are put on the list if they have been connected with an offence relating to prostitution or have been cautioned .
15 We believe that people are at their best as members of communities , where they care about each other and for those less fortunate than themselves .
16 I also believe that people are capable of bad , sick and harmful actions . ’
17 Almost all individualists are willing to concede that actions have some causal antecedents , since they allow that people are shaped and constrained by environmental factors which form their personalities and affect what they do .
18 Families where there has been a murder find that people are more reluctant to talk to them than if they had suffered an ordinary bereavement — sometimes even crossing the street to avoid them .
19 It 's nice to be able to walk across the road but I find that people are complaining because they 're not able to park .
20 If you study the long-term unemployed , sadly what happens is they lose their job or they do n't get employment , and eventually they keep working hard , right , but after the period of time they get dispirited when they find that people are not willing to take them on , and of course it 's a terrible thing for them to cope with .
21 I feel that people are becoming more and more comfortable with using the centre 's facilities , ’ he said .
22 And er you know , I feel that people are only too ready to believe erm others you know er er to believe er others you know er er to believe the people living in the flats .
23 Er yes that , that is important because qu I mean when you feel that people are sympathetic
24 I think that people are getting very concerned indeed over how the French government are basically disrupting so many worthwhile things for silly reasons .
25 ‘ But I think that people were in contact all over the world , and that that there are hints of contact with Easter Island and with the Indus Valley , ’ Mr Savoy continued , warming to his controversial theme in a way which unsettles his academic admirers .
26 Small wonder that people were star-struck by this ‘ deeply anti-democratic mind ’ ; or that even the most serious commentators , like William Safire , could not resist having cracks at the screenplay
27 yeah that 's right , I mean the D B T say there 's gon na be extra difficulty because , but I do n't think they realize that people are gon na say I 'm not going that way because
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