Example sentences of "[vb base] that we should " in BNC.

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1 Even the rules of social politeness , which suggest that we should not burden others with our problems , will lead us all to respond to enquiries after our health with an automatic ‘ Very well , thank you ’ when often we may be feeling poorly or even downright miserable .
2 The data we have at the moment suggest that we should reach our targets about 80% of the time , but our aim over the years will be not only to reach the targets in a higher proportion of cases but also to make the targets more difficult .
3 Such scholars suggest that we should analyse pornographic representations as representations , not causes of social behaviour .
4 These widely differing national responses suggest that we should be wary of any attempt to explain the popularity of evolutionism in terms of the self-evident superiority of Darwin 's explanatory programme .
5 I suggest that we should delay submitting this to Number Ten until you have had a chance to draft the actual terms of reference , as you propose .
6 Only proselytes urge that we should all desist from it entirely ; and there are exceptions among even them .
7 Realise that we should never have gone on holiday with Jack and Kate , but with Harry and Chrissie and their child .
8 I say that we should strike now , before he gathers more . ’
9 I say that we should do the same , if need be . ’
10 Morally , that is a vastly superior case to the one produced by the Government — and , alas , supported to some degree by the Opposition Front Bench — who say that we should fritter our resources so massively on something that we could never use .
11 That is one of the principal arguments of those on the Government Benches who say that we should not sign up , that we can not say at this stage whether we are capable , as an economy , of participating without damage in a single currency .
12 There are some who say that we should involve peacekeeping forces right away .
13 There are some who say that we should immediately recognise Croatia and Slovenia because they have passed a test in respect of self-standing and self-sustenance .
14 And he had a blunt message for the audience — ‘ God forfend that we should ever allow the media to tell us how to run our business . ’
15 Nevertheless , Gaitskell did not think that the issue of public ownership was ‘ sterile ’ and during the heated debates on Clause IV he stated : ‘ I conclude that we should make two things clear to the country .
16 Does the Secretary of State accept that we should have an industrial policy that is beneficial to Britain so that we can meet the challenge of the 21st century ?
17 ‘ I know that we should be asking questions instead of sitting on our arses drinking cups of tea , ’ the DI told him , pushing his half-empty cup away .
18 So I think you 've got to look at this as er saying well , if you get external advice , at least you 're covered and er I mean er if a , if a company 's in difficulties , we perhaps would know before you would , erm that erm you know that we should n't really be investing with them .
19 When we go out into the freezing temperatures tonight , we know that we should be doing something .
20 The Old Age religions teach that we should not have desires , that we should simply accept whatever happens as God 's will .
21 We Christians have already lost that battle , and I personally believe that we should not attempt to fight it again .
22 Some believe that we should be looking at all ages to fulfilling activity which is not wholly employment based , but make more constructive use of leisure .
23 I , I honestly believe that we should back off and , and get on
24 And I believe that we should have a policy , whereby children would normally receive communion when they are in a communion service .
25 I reiterate that we should have a Scottish bus passengers ' consultative committee and I am trying to relate the new clause to my believe that we should have an overall consultative committee .
26 I believe that we should support the principle of a universal sign which identifies the status of the driver as an important step forward to ensuring safety on our roads .
27 The fact that we have had a nuclear deterrent for a number of years has added materially to our security and I believe that we should continue to sustain that deterrent .
28 Does the Prime Minister agree that although there is scope for compromise on many matters at Maastricht , the one issue on which it is impossible to compromise is the difference between those who believe that Britain could and should join in a single currency and those who believe that we should not do so at any price and that we should never even have joined the exchange rate mechanism ?
29 I believe that we should not be nationalistic about animal welfare ; we should care for animals in France and Germany as well as for those in Britain .
30 I believe that we should not proceed with the Bill .
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