Example sentences of "[vb base] i say [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well I do n't I said , I said I 'll take it , but I said that I really do n't , I mean I said it 's really , I said I 've explained very carefully it 's Iris who had all that yes , ah , but here 's a script , so you see , that had at least got through
2 And so I mean I said it quite and I said no , well they have n't come and ask me .
3 it will be change , I ca n't say , is it , I mean I said it 's a change of address , they know I 'll probably be moved in four to six weeks
4 But I mean I do get used to being on my own and then like I mean I say he 's there like the , the other morni he went down his mother 's and he did n't come back till three o'clock so he 's not there constantly all the time .
5 If you want me to say anything more just give me a kick and I 'll add something more .
6 I 've the feeling that you expect me to say something to you ?
7 You 're not the type to let yourself get carried away like that , are you ? — Forget I said it , will you ?
8 Well it 's it 's say I say I was doing my best , as it were , say that everything was going swimmingly I 'd be getting a profit of thirty pounds from Neil twenty pounds from Alan because five will go on the tea and the milk and the box of Cornflakes and the toast er twenty , thirty , that 's fifty and twenty for Paul which is seventy .
9 But for those who open it , let me say what it is about .
10 Let me say what I came to say before my nerve goes .
11 Before you reach for your collecting tins let me say they develop a good wheeze of taking in gullible Western guests and faking a few midnight tiger sightings with the aid of a collection of clockwork beasts and some carefully concealed tapes .
12 And let me say something about that .
13 Okay well let me say something now about what political power means er to an American president and what its limits are .
14 ‘ And , before you deny it , let me say I saw your start of recognition .
15 Let me say I believed that the wrongs of women were interconnected with and subsidiary to the wrongs of man ; that to work for the revolution was to work , indirectly , for women .
16 To our colleague from London , let me say I happen to be a boilermaker , not because I 'm a dinosaur with me head in the past , but because that happens to be the occupation that I follow and that 's what I am .
17 First let me say I thought Leeds played very well .
18 Now , let me say there 's one component of what Brian and Gerry have been saying , which I most passionately agree with as it happens — get that bit off my chest first — and that is that until we have a clear understanding of the mechanisms and processes of development , the processes whereby an egg turns into an adult , our theory of evolution will , indeed , be very imperfect , and we do not have such a theory , erm it 's exceedingly important that we should work on such a theory , and such a theory it is n't sufficient simply to say ‘ Oh well , there 's a genetic programme for development ’ and imagine that in other ways actually said something , because you actually have n't .
19 Let me say it , Julia .
20 No because no but I Colin , let me say it .
21 " Spunk I said it 's an honour . "
22 tongued and grooved or , or something pine for the kitchen wall , do it , pay it , forget it right , so , I mean I do n't know what wood I mean we 'd have , we 'd have to see it , but I said to him look I said something 's got ta be done , so I said to him shall we get Gary or somebody similar to do some Artexing in here and he said well with the coal fire and all that he said it 'll , it 'll get dirty
23 Oh , I said to him look I said she obviously a person that takes no notice , but she lives out in the country .
24 look I said I do n't mind vinyl , I do n't mind good vinyl the only good , the only one that , it was good for the toilet , but I got it in a pack cos we 've got such a small single toilet
25 Remember I said you 've got to have these sort of safe , situations with the people that work for you .
26 You remember I said I went off looking for Nicola ? ’
27 Just remember I said I shall get the stick for this .
28 remember I says they were in a sale in school
29 You know I said we were gon na run out of these
30 You know I said they 're all fantastically healthy and yet there are n't any old folks even though we thought they travelled around together in a group ?
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