Example sentences of "[vb base] for the first " in BNC.

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1 I mean for the first time there 's a erm a sort of Asian wholesale supermarket .
2 But I mean for the first year she wo n't be in , if she goes into student , she 'll be in college
3 Well I mean for the first year she wo n't be in if she goes in as a student she 'll be in college .
4 When Eva had gone and I lay for the first time in the same house as Charlie and Eva and my father , I thought about the difference between the interesting people and the nice people .
5 The Special Discount is being continued on the same basis ( see page 2 ) and for those policies which qualify for the first time the increase is offset by approximately 6% .
6 The net costs of Eagle Lodges appear for the first time in the income and expenditure account and are largely attributable to setting up costs as there was little income from occupancy during 1990 .
7 There was also still a feeling in the Hollywood colony that as he had established himself as a star he should not play an unattractive character , and , what is more , he would only be the second lead and not appear for the first twenty minutes .
8 In discussing the interactions of mental illnesses and brain failure Gray and Isaacs ( 1979 ) showed that illnesses such as depression , psychosis and neurosis do continue to occur in old age but are more likely to recur than appear for the first time .
9 Foreign Offices of a modern kind , specialized in their functions , subdivided ( usually on a largely geographical basis ) into departments with still more specialized duties and employing considerable numbers of experts of all kinds , now appear for the first time in the major European capitals .
10 In this paper we report for the first time the isolation of cDNA for a zebrafish POU family gene which is ubiquitously expressed during embryogenesis .
11 Importantly , we report for the first time the ability to directly and effectively transfect cells in a growth arrested state .
12 We report for the first time the successful lithotripsy of a calcified cystic duct stone despite these relative and absolute contraindications in a patient with Crohn 's disease .
13 Though the Lions ' backs have the credentials and Winterbottom and Dean Richards have been in the heat of a Lions Test scrum , there are six forwards who will be experiencing a Lions Test for the first time .
14 When it is the first day , put your hands down while we 're ex while I 'm explaining this , when you say when it 's the first day of any month whether it 's the first of February or the first of April or the first of December , instead of say you say this word you say for the first of the month
15 After being pegged at 4–4 following the first frame of the evening session , Hendry raised his game to collect the £40,000 first prize — and become Masters champion for the first time .
16 Cork 's late strike made sure of a top 10 place for the first time since promotion — ‘ and a nice bonus , judging from the long faces in our boardroom , ’ grinned Mr Bassett .
17 Then , when we actually visit that place for the first time , a subconscious memory is triggered and we are convinced that we knew instinctively what it would look like .
18 TORBREX Wanderers have done much to keep the Scottish Indoor League championship race open by beating fellow Dundonians Menzieshill for the first time in the league last month .
19 Our findings reveal for the first time death rates of babies born before term who survive into late adult life , although duration of gestation was recorded for only half of the men .
20 I speak for the first time .
21 Leonard , who plays more golf in the summer than bowls , partners Irish international senior skip and Lisnagarvey club mate Noel Graham in their bid to win the Irish pairs title for the first time since the brilliant Fisher and Ringland combination won it for the Lisburn club in 1970 .
22 These photographs show for the first time the lives of people who , in the spirit of the age are changing from a silent minority into a rebellious one .
23 These results show for the first time to our knowledge , the interactions between calcium , phosphate , fatty acids , and bile acids along the intestine .
24 The introduction of bargaining and the capacity to negotiate collective agreements or ‘ convenios ’ , although still closely controlled , gave the company councils a genuine industrial relations function for the first time and encouraged the workers ' commissions ' strategy of working through the official system and putting forward candidates to company council elections .
25 The wise veterans nod their heads and wait for the first whistle .
26 Meanwhile as hospitals wait for the first evacuees … surgeons say they 'll work for nothing to save the sight of a ten year old bosnian boyu .
27 Collections drop for the first time in a decade
28 In general , we find paths from J to 1 and I to 1 and then look for the first node k at which the paths meet ( k = 9 in the example ) .
29 Here we demonstrate for the first time that TFIIA is also involved in the expression of classical pol III genes ( t-RNA , VAI-RNA and 5S-RNA ) .
30 Our findings demonstrate for the first time increased expression of ET-1 in the lungs of patients with CFA compared with the lungs of subjects without CFA .
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