Example sentences of "[vb base] it [verb] like " in BNC.

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1 Pity it plays like a dented tin can , really .
2 Knock , knock it looks like !
3 Wherever blame might lie as regards the situation with the South Wales constabulary at the present time , surely it would be madness to merge Gwent police force with the South Wales police force at this unfortunate time because Gwent has a very , very good record and we want it to stay like that .
4 You could put it along side that erm , if you put it stuck like that , it 'll need staking , put it on the wall on the fence .
5 No I hope it stays like this , is it gon na stay like this all day or is it only the morning ?
6 Steve , I always said to Steven if we have a kid I said I hope it looks like me I said but I hope it got your temperament come out exactly wrong .
7 It looks demolish it looks like a derelict place , in , ah What 's , what 's that on the ?
8 I know it sounds like Hollywood , but I 've never felt so alone .
9 I know it sounds like another made-up story — ’
10 I know it sounds like sounds like you 'd be
11 Yes , I know it looks like an inverted yacht and that the garde that the D series was avant never materialised , but a production-line car which combines such a ridiculously optimistic view of the public 's aesthetic sensibilities with so much understanding of daily long-distance driving has to have a lot going for it .
12 You know it looks like balsa wood .
13 I know it seems like madness , but it 's something I just can not help .
14 ‘ Juliet — ’ David spoke earnestly , ‘ I know it seems like a disaster to you at the moment , but look at it this way .
15 If we again discount this income at the time or get it looks like that .
16 ‘ I suppose it seems like that , but it would have been silly to say no when he was prepared to come , after I 'd been so sad not to see him .
17 Using full ( 48 degrees ) flap it glides like an auto-rotating helicopter with the cowling pointed well down towards the near shore .
18 They all eat out of one big pot like pigs at a trough , and when they talk it sounds like a dog barking .
19 It had a six-inch barrel , but a solid cylinder underneath it almost as long so that from the business end it looked like an over-and-under shotgun with the lower barrel blocked off .
20 yeah , erm yeah it was different erm with it only being role play it was a bit erm difficult to keep up with it sometimes and actually keep it going like , erm if it was the real life situation outside right you 'd know that the person you were talking to had more had been through that situation before
21 I mean it sounds like maybe it should be that way but we do n't spell it like we have the I A L or A L E.
22 I mean it sounds like a sort of — ’
23 So if the female does n't want it and this one clearly does n't , she just sits down and if she sits on her pseudo-penis , there 's no way the male is ever gon na get into her , but in fact this is true er in , in general terms of er if you think about it a , a female quadrupedal mammal I mean it looks like male domination , the male mounts and it looks as if she has to submit but she does n't .
24 Most specialists advise sizing the CHP unit to cope with regular peak demand , make it work like crazy as Murrell suggests , and use current from the grid when demand outstrips the generator 's capacity .
25 Essential you make it look like an accident … ’
26 Its colouration — light brown with dark brown/black irregular flecks and blotches , make it look like a piece of wood , hence its common name .
27 Make it look like that , ’ they would say , pointing to one of his sample pages , and that is what it would look like .
28 On the northern coalfield the rejection of badly filled corves on the grounds that they had been deliberately underfilled — " they will sometimes be so roguish as to set these big coals hollow at the Corfe bottom , and cover them with some small coals at the top of the Corves , and make it look like a full Corfe " — was a long-running grievance which led to a strike at one mine in 1751 .
29 They make it look like a ship with waiters like pirates singing shanties into your clam chowder .
30 ‘ You make it sound like a war , ’ she said .
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