Example sentences of "[vb base] to all the " in BNC.

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1 But I apologise to all the people who may be getting fed up with it .
2 These , then , are some of the ideas that attach to all the world 's waterways .
3 ‘ Listen to me carefully and pass on what I say to all the others .
4 Teachers who listen to all the conflicting noises that are made about education by the pundits will inevitably feel ( quite apart from their own ideals ) that there is no pleasing all of the people all of the time .
5 do it the same time because we 're in the same class and speak to all the same people and we 'd get all the same results
6 They believe they have adopted a model that offers hope to all the poor of El Salvador .
7 By Edward Greenfield GREENFIELD ST CECILIA GRAM PURCELL : Come Ye Sons Of Art , Welcome To All The Pleasures-Pinnock/English Concert and Choir ( with Yorkshire Feast Song ) .
8 PURCELL : Welcome To All The Pleasures , Arise My Muse , Now Does The Glorious Day Appear -King/King 's Consort .
9 ST CECILIA 'S DAY this year has prompted not just one but two brand new recordings of Purcell 's delightful Ode for celebrating that day in 1683 , Welcome To All The Pleasures , while earlier this year there was yet a third .
10 ‘ Whatever this patient 's origins or inclinations , she is entitled to the same care and respect we give to all the others on the ward .
11 As long as I can get , walk along and get to all the plants there .
12 As part of our service we attend to all the legalities therefore ensuring the return of your property to you .
13 ‘ In the interim , I appeal to all the van plant suppliers to continue supplying the factory in order to give it a fighting chance of survival . ’
14 You go to all the trouble of finding me a bed in a night shelter and you then get me so drunk they 'll refuse point-blank to let me in ! ’
15 It would probably proceed as follows : from A , go to all the openings you can see ; from each of those openings , go to any further openings you can see ; by continuing this procedure , generate the tree of Figure 10 ; report the shortest sequence starting at A and ending at E. The reason for preferring a computer program to a verbal account ( for example , the one just given ) , is that , when writing a program , you are forced to say exactly what you mean ; if the program works , you know that there are no hidden difficulties with your explanation .
16 The migrating cells may be made up of a mixture of all the different cell types in immature form , that go to all the sites and a particular type survives only if it arrives at an appropriate site — a sort of cell selection .
17 ‘ The cost of taking everybody certainly does mount up , but we are all dead keen and we usually go to all the matches home and away , ’ said Gill .
18 Everybody used to come to New York City for three weeks a year and go to all the galleries .
19 ‘ And I certainly do n't think any of the other guys said , ‘ I really want to hang out with you , chase girls , go to all the right parties and live really well — so how can we do this ? ’
20 Our sincere thanks go to all the patients who have volunteered to share their experiences and allowed us to divulge intimate details about them , in the hope of helping others .
21 Eliza was planning to join a religious community after her mother 's death , but Georgiana was hoping to stay in London with relations , to see the new fashions and go to all the parties .
22 And , of course , we go to all the Lexington race meetings , being so nearby . ’
23 They counted the number of the copulations and they found the females were copulating much more than they needed in order to have , have offspring , so the big problem is why do female adders go to all the trouble of extra copulations with extra males when they could easily just make do with one or two and store the semen , and er the consequence as you could have predicted I think having attended my lectures , is that there does seem to be selection for erm sperm competition in male adders and the , the supposition seems to be that females are openly inciting male sperm competition , because they 're mating with many more males than they need to and there does n't seem to be another gain , they do n't get provisioning from a male , they , all they get is sperm .
24 And they go to all the wedding fairs .
25 I am extremely proud and my thanks and appreciation go to all the staff . ’
26 To be friends with the ‘ in ’ people , you must have a lot of money , go to all the ‘ in ’ films etc. , + lead a very laid-back lifestyle .
27 I WOULD like to convey my many thanks and praise to all the helpers , workers , nurses and priests , and to my Bishop , for the joy I received through their care and kindness at Lourdes .
28 The cells could be multipotential , migrate to all the sites and only once they had arrived would they , due to local signals , be directed along the correct developmental pathway .
29 I do n't mind if you write to all the tenants and say please do n't have foxes on your land , we do n't like it .
30 Very old people who come to all the shows tend to talk throughout the experimental work or leave .
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