Example sentences of "[vb base] have [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Both main parties appear to have fallen for the rhetoric about the rising tide of crime among the young despite statistical evidence which plainly suggests that the problem has declined in recent years .
2 Over one hundred Quakers died in prison in the 1680s , most of them during the harsh winter of 1683 – 4 , and at least 450 Quakers appear to have died for their sufferings during the Restoration period .
3 With regard to English , he suggests that what he sees as the limitations of ‘ metropolitan ’ use of the language may not be present in other registers : ‘ still an integration of thought and feeling in metaphor and imagery is what we seek to have recreated for us in the best literature ’ ( ibid. p. 78 ) .
4 My wishes seem to have counted for very little with you so far .
5 Given also that the Petits violons du roi seem to have performed for ballets even more than the Grands violons did , and because a relatively small ensemble seems more appropriate to a mascarade of this nature , the Petits violons may serve as our model .
6 The days of the dainty cup and saucer seem to have disappeared for ever .
7 BRACKEN HOUSE , THE former home of the Financial Times , came under threat at the time ministers were considering the introduction of the Thirty Year Rule on listing ( see page 149 ) , and probably played a major part in securing the greater protection for post-war buildings of excellence that SAVE had sought for so long .
8 I said I 'm on a YTS , she went oh she said I do n't know if you 're for them , I said er well if you do n't I 'll find out and then tell you at the she goes , yeah , we 'll do that she says but I do , I do n't know if owe have to pay for them or not , you know she said I think you 're supposed to have a form .
9 One infant school I know has opted for selecting three core subject specialists and moving the children around part of the day to work with their specialist teacher .
10 ‘ With the 715 , ’ John reflects , ‘ Trace have gone for volume in a small box , with no hook-up opportunities — these seem to start on the next model up .
11 Overtime pay has accounted for approximately 6 per cent of average earnings since the mid-1970s and this too varies with firm size due to differences in the length of scheduled working hours .
12 ‘ Value billing ’ should , in theory , be a consequence of the value-added auditing service that most firms claim to have offered for several years .
13 AN INVESTIGATION is to be mounted at BAFTA into the award of a prize to the Granada drama Prime Suspect after four of the seven jury members claim to have voted for Channel 4 's GBH .
14 AN INVESTIGATION is to be mounted at BAFTA into the award of a prize to the Granada drama Prime Suspect after four of the seven jury members claim to have voted for Channel 4 's GBH .
15 Admittedly you often do have to search for an underlying structure in Berlioz 's work .
16 Of course in high season we do have to ask for a bit extra if there 's going to be empty space in your place , but for all departures before May 31st and after October 1st there are NO UNDER-OCCUPANCY SUPPLEMENTS in selected accommodation .
17 Well I think , I think you do have to pay for that , I know
18 I am covered in scars ; I do have to suffer for my art ?
19 There are two members I think have spoken from the Liberal benches concerning funding bureaucracy and I would agree entirely with what that means but they 've also mentioned in the same bet , budgetary control and if you 're going to control budgets , you have to have a minimal amount of bureaucracy and the function really of the head of the er of the project , er the head of the the post that 's now slipped into oblivion with this motion , would actually have been to do two things it would have been to hold the two groups together and it would have been to have overall control of that budget and it would n't have been easy and I would n't have like the job and I wouldn't 've applied for it and certainly would have been very difficult indeed .
20 unless the local printer 's very cleaver somehow and got that advertising to sponsor er the booklet they 've had to charge for it .
21 ‘ We 've had to wait for today before we could fix anything . ’
22 Or whether you 've had to wait for an hour in the rain for the bus to come along , whether you 're in a good mood or a bad mood .
23 Because we 've had to wait for them
24 You 've had to wait for me I 'm afraid .
25 They 've had to go for the we did them a few sort of quotes on the survey side of this Arrow Park and er we 've got ta , you know , really stick to this tight budget because it 's the only way you can get them no matter what people are telling you erm about the recession being over , people still want things for nothing .
26 The received no compensation , and all the expensive medical treatment they 've had to pay for themselves .
27 I 've had to lecture for Paul
28 ‘ There is a possibility that this chap will move to another university next year , but for the time being I 've had to look for a way to take the heat off .
29 He is determined to lead his injury-stricken outfit to victory in France for the first time in 22 years and last night insisted : ‘ I 've had to fight for respect in rugby league .
30 ‘ My parents died when I was a baby , you know , and for the last three years I 've had to work for my food .
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