Example sentences of "[vb base] a [noun sg] which " in BNC.

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1 They encounter a presence which transfigures their lives and , provided that they are temperamentally suited to this type of spiritual activity and have the benefit of expert advice , they experience a satisfaction which is real but inexpressible .
2 On the other hand , if I encounter a text which deals with an unfamiliar content area and does so in accordance. with communicative or rhetorical conventions which are new to me , then I obviously have to look much more closely at the language itself as a source of information as to what might be meant .
3 For those who find it hard to work with or explain coherently to others a set of numbers which have been raised to a power or logged , Mosteller and Tukey ( 1977 : 194 ) suggest a technique which they call ‘ matched re-expression ’ to rescale the transformed values to fall within the main range of the original number scale .
4 These suggestions appeal to higher level knowledge or suggest a fudge which would severely limit the scope of the system .
5 These and the other sources of expert knowledge which the ministry could call upon ( the first of a series of legal advisers was appointed in 1723 , for example ) suggest a professionalism which it would be hard to equal elsewhere in old-regime Europe .
6 The Family Policy Studies Centre ( address on page 146 ) calls women carers ‘ the forgotten army ’ and says they provide a service which saves the government billions of pounds a year .
7 The concepts mental lexicon , lexical entry and lexical access provide a vocabulary which we can use when discussing how words are perceived and produced .
8 They also provide a context which makes the grammar work meaningful and enjoyable .
9 Another plant much used for hair colouring is chamomile , the flower-heads of which provide a solution which lightens light-brown and fair hair appreciably ; saffron will have the same effect .
10 But the hereditary peers provide a ballast which distorts any pretence at representativeness .
11 The sentences above evoke a silence which was so absolute that the perception of a pin or a dead mosquito dropping to the floor was possible .
12 send a cheque which can get nicked , send the barclay card number , then pay it off .
13 At what point do you , in all honesty and sincerity er celebrate a sacrament which is a sacrament of giving unity as well as bringing unity forward .
14 Secondly people want a home which is economical to run — especially now that they will be liable to pay VAT on fuel !
15 ‘ I want a dress which rustles when I walk .
16 I want a culture which you can tug and shape with complexity .
17 So in a way , what my teachers here and what we are arguing about is that we want a school which cares for individual children , which rejects both extremes that I 've mentioned .
18 The 2x2 welt is useful if you want a rib which pulls in more tightly than the 2x1 welt .
19 Darlington Friends of the Earth spokesman Mr Mark Smith said : ‘ The message to people here who want a fridge which does n't harm the environment is go to Newcastle . ’
20 Most first-year students want a programme which leaves open the option of entering the legal profession and of taking an honours degree .
21 The public have been provided with more choices , and have shown that they want a pension which is theirs by right .
22 On page 51 of this issue , Ponman and Bertram report a discovery which suggests that the presence of dark matter in yet another context — small groups of galaxies — so that the dark-matter problem rears its head again .
23 They occupy a space which is potentially free , both psychologically and physically from the codes of ( patriarchal ) society .
24 British-born speakers , on the other hand , occupy a position which allows them to mediate both linguistically and culturally between the Caribbean and Britain .
25 What we have here is , is a huge sheet of this material on the wall , and the visitors stand in front of this and press a flashlight which allows them then to make all sorts of poses on the wall , and as they then move away , their shadow is left on the wall so they can look back and see what their , their shadow was like in the pose .
26 Some of you build a personality which you believe the world wants you to be , but which belies your real self .
27 The Company 's objectives are to : Manage effectively its existing reserves portfolio ; find and develop efficiently additional reserves which offer significant potential to add value for shareholders ; build a business which is profitable even at low oil prices ; and provide a strong financial base to support its operations .
28 Now say a sentence which finishes by naming a member of the Royal Family : ‘ Have you ever been introduced to — - . ? ’
29 I attach a document which describes the network of the Report.TOIL/Flexitime procedures .
30 I attach a note which I hope you will find useful and which could be distributed to appropriate members of the Trust .
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