Example sentences of "[vb base] be [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 He and the staff of Safe-Buy are responsible for checking the credentials of every firm applying for membership .
2 And he 's had it slapped in his face , because this council has provided an adequate budget for the police authority , it has pr , treated it fairly and squarely like every other council committee , and made sure that the service they provide is adequate for the people of this county .
3 That , that I , I say is reserved for Parliament .
4 The correct equipment is equally important when you are adapting your property , make sure that the bath or shaver , and w.c. that you install are suitable for you to use .
5 I have n't been able to explain this to Dr Grossman , because he would n't understand , but you will understand , and I hope be happy for me .
6 But time is short for Rhys , who has Batten 's Disease , a rare genetic disorder which can rapidly lead to dementia and blindness .
7 But time is short for Rhys , who has Batten 's Disease , a rare genetic disorder which can rapidly lead to dementia and blindness .
8 Oh yes , the , the service that the retain people give is unbelievable for what they get paid for , it 's , it 's pennies really for that service .
9 Of course we must , but at the same time we must endeavour to retain the practices and methods we know are right for our children .
10 And er Sun Life who 're a , who , who er you know are favourite for er for er gilts management , er er were busy buying index-linked gilts about twelve months ago when nobody wanted them .
11 Do you do you not think it would be better for us both to speak to ? speak to her and say obviously you were upset about not getting the job but this non- communication thing is not really erm going to you know be good for the sales office in the long term .
12 ‘ Once the production opened and the showed the allegations were totally groundless we are left with a production that parents know is suitable for children and no one can take that publicity away . ’
13 I repeat , however , my conviction that primary teachers can adapt to the new legislation without abandoning the good practice which they know is right for children .
14 I mean be sorry for him .
15 I do that in the context of the proposals in the Bill , which I believe are vital for the future of Cardiff .
16 Even worse than this is if you have a binge on foods you feel are bad for you just before your new regime is due to start .
17 The analysis stage may throw up numerous conclusions that you feel are fit for managers who await the report .
18 I 'm not quite sure what 's going to happen to all the people that are unemployed because of this , but that I suppose is material for another programme .
19 The Muddles have acquired a site of undeveloped agricultural land west of Birmingham which is well served by motorways and which they believe is perfect for building the ultimate racecourse .
20 Which we believe is good for our customers .
21 Other advantages of living alone are having time and space for myself to read , write , draw , think , learn , do what I feel is right for myself .
22 There is no correct answer — you must simply do what you feel is right for you and your pet .
23 It 's always difficult to balance what you feel is best for a client with what they say they want .
24 The decision has to be made according to your circumstances , how healthy you are and what you feel is best for you and your partner .
25 Unfortunately their ideas have not been tested out a great deal in other areas of London or the rest of the country , so we can not be at all sure whether the findings they claim are appropriate for application to the whole of our society are in fact so .
26 Try being useful for a change and find out what the hell is wrong with it ! ’
27 ‘ Self governing hospitals ’ , for example , have much more freedom to provide the services they think are best for their locality .
28 I try to use ones which I think are appropriate for the shape and exterior of the animal .
29 When they get together and they need money , the old school tie , the old party tie comes into play and money can be found for things that they think are profitable for them and their consultancies , and their companies , and their interests .
30 Each relates to safeguards and protections on issues which we all agree are serious for the project .
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