Example sentences of "[vb base] be [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Often , what someone says and what they really mean are two different things .
2 What black men and black women want are two different things .
3 When we get to the ones that we say are awkward alright , we 'll er let you think of erm a way out , okay ?
4 Janet erm Mr want 's some practical suggestions I have one for goodness sake any show that 's suitable for children charge those children half price that way you 'll get .
5 Then you say is that right ?
6 Oh it said in the , in the book when I read about it , it said it had green flowers , you say is that green flowers
7 and the hand does n't sneak out afterwards and starts popping out and then it 's useless , then the rest of all this stuff you just get it out of the way under the arm , it 's all gone , right , this bit comes up between the two shoulder blades , do n't make the mistake of bringing it across there , a lot of people do that , that wo n't do , you have to come round the back and between these two shoulder blades to get maximum support , you 've got to hold this elbow up and then you tie it near the hand , now I recommend that you tie it and talk to your casualty , half tie it and say is that supporting you enough ?
8 I think it 's impossible to explore why there is a difference , it does not explain why the matters we have already discussed , like vacancies , households and death rates why there is a difference between what the County Council say is one hundred percent , and what the H B F and others are advocating which is considerably more .
9 No , no , like you , like you say is any one tape the first tape you fill in it
10 All they want is this bloody letter and we 're going to give it to them .
11 It 's no use going on a six day trail ride , with six hours daily in the saddle , if all you want is some gentle hacking in a scenic setting , with perhaps a few longer pub rides as an added bonus .
12 Some decided that they would not pay the poll tax , but the people about whom I worry are those such as the elderly lady suffering from a form of senile dementia who came to me because she was being harassed about the poll tax .
13 Also recorded in the Charges Register are any outstanding mortgages , and these will be listed in order of priority .
14 Stop being wishy washy and evasive , Bill , do you like LA or not ?
15 Some of the larger birds can remain stationary for many minutes and the poses they adopt are all interesting and therefore present easier subjects .
16 The latest annual report from the Wakefield metropolitan district council housing department states that in terms of homelessness , ’ the major problem we face is that 30 per cent .
17 From Frankie Goes to Hollywood — who presented the image of two leather queens — through Marc Almond — in the image of a northern gay boy — through Bronski Beat — presented as ‘ out ’ political gays — to the rash of transvestite and transsexual ‘ gender bender ’ stylists like Marilyn and Boy George , sexual divergence has crossed over into the mainstream in a psychological paradigm that services perfectly pop 's current industrial situation .
18 Little more than a century ago , most of the river bank where huge shipyards now stand was fertile agricultural land .
19 The quotation he give was sixty five and as he said which is true they double every five years .
20 If we are planning on providing quality education then we must build on what we know are good basic principles , as listed below .
21 you know , say seven , sevens I know are forty nine
22 Instead , what we get are sensational violent highlights linked by tepid speculation about the reasons why .
23 What we get are sensational violent highlights linked by tepid speculation about the reasons why
24 The enjoyment , fun , exhilaration , fitness and health we drive are all excellent reasons for sharing Medau with others .
25 The liberal democracies that we know were liberal first and democratic later .
26 you know or was there , you know is that other point , was , was there an intermediat yeah , someone else .
27 What we know is that simple interventions in a single area — like a school health education programme — are unlikely to work on their own .
28 Well seriously Cass like the only thing like that I 've ever said about you like is that one day in the classroom right there was this picture of this naked woman on the right ?
29 It 's called Totally Pauly , and what you get is this gangling , scarf-draped , tendril-haired , mumbling , stumbling doper addressing the camera — and , by extension , us — as ‘ Bud ’ , accosting strangers on the street , cruising chicks ( ‘ buff nugs ’ , to use his parlance ) on the Strip , or making field trips to beauty pageants , pig farms and rodeos .
30 What enthusiasts often overlook is that western communities do not always depend on sewer systems .
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