Example sentences of "[vb base] of [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And I shall find you empty of that fault ,
2 Consequently they sound stilted and reluctant and rob what they say of much reward value .
3 Therefore , repent of this wickedness of yours , and pray the Lord that if possible the intention of your heart may be forgiven you
4 Unlike children , very old people do not have common ‘ norms of development ’ which can be used as quite a precise yardstick in the appraisals we all make of each other .
5 However the demands they make of each student are rigorous and varied .
6 None of them is , nor can be , structured as to require that those in charge of enterprises in which people invest their working lives and expectations should account primarily and principally to them for the uses they make of those lives .
7 The criticism that Elliott and Ebbutt make of this approach is three fold : values underlying judgements are not revealed ; the analysis is atomistic and ignores the inter-relationships among features of a school 's activities ; and areas are inevitably ignored .
8 So what do you and I make of this theory ?
9 What the psychiatrists or psychoanalysts make of this condition I do not know .
10 In the wild most of the eggs or fry of this type of spawner are eaten , but just enough make it to adulthood to keep the population steady .
11 Disillusion of this kind is right minded , and , in addition , invigorating ; it is the only possible antidote to despair , restlessness and languor which are always threatening .
12 Department stores consist of many departments all under one …
13 British concerns do not of course merely consist of such generalities .
14 The affective responses of pupils consist of those behaviours which indicate their attitudes and ultimately the values they hold .
15 These two distributions ( of differences in skill between left and right hands ) consist of those individuals in whom the right shift factor biasing the left hemisphere towards subserving speech , and coincidentally favouring greater skill of the right hand , is present ( RS + ) and those in whom it is absent ( RS ) .
16 The ‘ means of production ’ consist of those parts of the forces of production which can be legally owned .
17 He knew also that the Icelandic word for ‘ short story ’ is þáttr , ‘ a thread ’ ; sagas often consist of several þættir , strands woven together .
18 The visible remains consist of several iron guns and extensive areas of the wooden structure of the ship , including carved softwood panelling .
19 Most of the sex in the original text survives but the producers are aware that fictional nipples are being counted by the kind of heaving bodies which consist of several men in suits .
20 Indeed often , and only sometimes rhetorically , we speak of such works as works of art — a particular knife , pot , aeroplane , bridge — but usually with the sense that this is an additional quality , when the primary purpose of the object has been already acknowledged .
21 But he realised that that would n't make sense , since a man can not be struck dumb and then speak of that condition , so what he said , when we asked him how he was , what he said was , very slowly , In Love .
22 He had subjected himself to his own personal therapy , requiring himself to sit alone in a hospital room and speak of those happenings aloud .
23 Stealing ( or not paying other debts ) in order to gamble is commonplace and stories abound of any number of crimes — even murder — being committed for pitifully small amounts simply in order to gamble .
24 Now , arriving at his own manor of Kouklia , he recognised as if he had been bred to it the sound and smell and look of each component ; each piece of equipment .
25 Beware of any form of faith which says : ‘ Well , you know this life is unimportant ; the real one is the one with God . ’
26 So beware of any promises to the contrary .
27 Beware of any chimney breast or wall which has been removed or partly removed in any room at any level .
28 Beware of this species !
29 So beware of this deception , and look for a forecast with freezing levels of 3,500 metres or lower before tackling mountains with serious snow descents .
30 So if Robert Mugabe , Prime Minister of Zimbabwe , is reading this : beware of Yon Yonson .
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