Example sentences of "[vb base] tell [pers pn] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 and they forget to tell you that once upon a time does n't always have a nice ending , yeah
2 Campese , the first of a number of players to sign lucrative contracts to play in Italy , said the Australian Rugby Union has ‘ got to start paying players if they want to tell them when they can and ca n't play . ’
3 What prompted her to invite him she could not have explained , but there was something about him — an air of loneliness , perhaps , though it was more than that — which made her suddenly want to tell him that he could rely on her friendship .
4 Er and I say I want to come on the on the phone and I want to talk to James , I want to put him straight , I tell him that we 're not doing this and I want to tell him that we actually erm know that er the people will be concerned about us giving ourselves a huge pay rise .
5 Well , I just want to tell her that I understand her predicament and that she should feel free to call old Sam up anytime .
6 He , I says to her , I says to him I said look , I said you want to tell her when
7 Ooh you want to tell her when he goes when he leaves me in here with this door unlocked !
8 My dearest love , I chatter about all sorts of odd news , when I really only want to tell you that my real self is in your keeping .
9 We want to tell you that the 1963 hit is Britain 's top-seller of all time and reached world sales of more than 13 million .
10 ‘ Men , I want to tell you that I 'm not going to employ a new farm manager .
11 As a secular leader , the king may have had charge of the army , although this may have been only a ceremonial role , since the tablets seem to tell us that there were generals .
12 It may accord with some of our moral gut reactions , which seem to tell us that wrongdoers should be made to suffer .
13 And always in its straight bole I have a stop watch to tell me whether the slowest clouds are sliding and at what a pace a storm is travelling .
14 ‘ And did he also by any chance happen to tell you that he and Silvia were romantically involved ? ’
15 The Department told us it would have to be done ‘ objectively ’ by the careers service ; the careers service tell us that a ) they do n't know what is required of them and b ) they have n't got the manpower to do it anyway .
16 Er but I mean tell them if they need to buy anything to get the receipts ,
17 A man I know told me that he was twenty years old before he realised that his mother really loved him .
18 Not long after we met , I remember telling him that in my opinion his only fault was that he was too predictable , that , although no doubt perverse , I enjoyed being kept guessing a bit more often .
19 In fourteen years the Northern Region alone has lost over two hundred thousand manufacturing jobs and when a fella visiting us today says that we 're all workers , I remember telling me that , that we di might eat all out the same trough , but by the hell they have bigger spoons than we have .
20 ‘ I remember telling you that I wanted nothing more to do with you ! ’ she snapped .
21 He probably needs to get lost so often so that his mother will find him and remember to tell him that she loves him .
22 And when they have , we like to tell them that they have .
23 You know , they like to tell you that they smoke .
24 You must have , you , you must have you keep telling me that you 're doing all these extra hours and you 're owed two weeks ' holiday
25 Well that 's what Breeze am keep telling me when I got to work in the morning it 's about the time of recession people should advertise more not less that maybe but the hard financial situation of the theatre finds itself in is to find that sort of money is very difficult at the moment .
26 Is the weather as bad as people keep telling me because it was Okay when I drove in this morning .
27 That 's what all the papers keep telling them and yet none of them take a blind bit of notice .
28 Keep telling him and that 's it .
29 ‘ I keep telling you but you wo n't listen .
30 Mr Gee said : ‘ Scientists keep telling us that the situation is far more urgent than politicians are admitting .
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