Example sentences of "[vb base] just [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That year nine student has got quite a lot to say , has written a very nice letter of complaint to god , bending god 's ear , say just one minute god .
2 Such reasons provide just one set of limitations against the wider adoption of forms of NFI , an issue we discuss in chapter 5 .
3 If you are uncertain about a particular balance , keep to plain colours and introduce just one pattern into the room .
4 The advocates of ‘ rational administration ’ remain just one voice amongst many .
5 Land just outside village or city boundaries may be viewed by speculators as having ’ hope ’ value ( hope that planning approval will ultimately be granted ) .
6 Non-interlaced systems make just one pass .
7 Imagine just one morning in which everyone you encounter says to you ‘ And what are you going to do for me , then ? ’
8 Do n't over-fill kettles — heat just enough water for your needs .
9 Not too bright at all , I put just that bit of white in like you said and it 's coming on lovely .
10 We say nothing could be further from the truth and indeed to get any if you read just one newspaper this morning we will say from that which you will actually see in the witness box .
11 Now they lie just one place off the bottom having lost money , their manager , players and impetus during the past 11 months .
12 Now they lie just one place off the bottom having lost money , their manager , players and impetus during the past 11 months .
13 Dalglish is concerned after seeing the Second Division table-toppers manage just one win in their last seven games .
14 It is also possible to isolate part of a design at any time and save just that section on to disk for future use .
15 Consider just one instance , one in which there has been , according to a version of the cost-push hypothesis , an intensification of trades union militancy .
16 And surprise , surprise , they get just that sort of treatment .
17 ( Despite the claims of some sixteenth-century kabbalistic masters , most people get just one bite at the cherry of human life . )
18 Apart from the white-cold rage , colossal bass recoil and steel-on-steel impacts of Dopeman , you get just warmed-over sampling , flippy-floppy beats and rather beer-bellied delinquency .
19 And just bring you know just that sort of to raise that .
20 You see there 's not much on the page you know just some bullet points .
21 Although the inflorescences last just 1 day , their production tends to be synchronized within localized groups of trees .
22 Marinate for only an hour or so in the same marinade as before or use just olive oil , lemon juice salt and freshly ground black pepper .
23 Continue on to Eastington Farm and follow the Priest 's Way east to South Barn and go just past farm buildings .
24 Should two adjacent needles try to tuck at the same time , there is nothing between these two needles to actually hold the loops on to the individual needles , so the loops become just one loop , which often falls off both needles .
25 Keep just one male in a small tank as territorial disputes will otherwise occur .
26 This Livebearer can be quite a fighter and so keep just one male with a few females .
27 As for the new priestess , sister of a well known fashion model , she loses all her erstwhile solemnity and announces , with a giggle : ‘ Sure , I love just any excuse to dress up ’ .
28 Having been primed by Draper back in the hotel room on who played or produced what , Branson would present himself with a box of tapes and play just one track by each artist ; enough to whet the appetite , but not so much as to test his customer 's patience — or indeed Branson 's own musical knowledge .
29 I think just one day a week visiting allowed .
30 This is painted just before the war , and it 's interesting to compare it with a painting by the court painter , William Dobson who worked in Oxford during the war , his studio was just around the corner in the High Street , because that 's Rupert very much at the end when things were going badly wrong for him , erm and it 's unfinished , perhaps because Dobson was beginning to run out of paint , and the experts at allow , and I think just that face tells the whole story about tension and unhappiness , Dobson 's an interesting painter , one of the first English painters who sort of get to the top in this way , and he painted a lot of the cavaliers at Charles ' court , erm this is Sir John Byron who clattered down the main street at St Aldate 's , before the king even arrived before the Battle of Edgehill , the one that caused trouble for John Smith , erm and he was very much a swash-buckling character , but he did n't spend a lot of time in Oxford later , but he was there enough to have his portrait painted .
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