Example sentences of "[vb base] on into the " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , the proportion of teachers who , having successfully completed the first year , stay on into the second in order to obtain the Certificate in Education ( FE ) is proving to be extremely high : for example , of the 1,128 candidates for the first year courses being offered in 1979–80 , no fewer than 1,024 moved into their second year in 1980–1 .
2 To beat the habit of taking an unnecessary emergency breath before speaking , practise this at home : shout ‘ Oy ! ’ before reciting each line of a chosen poem or song , then go on into the line without a breath .
3 Go on into the hall ; we 're going out . ’
4 Just le lea you 're leading them home so let them pick a bit of grass and then you go on into the yard and I 'll give them the breakfast , they have their breakfast and while they 're eating their breakfast you 're doing your horse and you get finished and then you go and have yours .
5 go on into the development timescale and costs .
6 I do believe that er we go on into the nineties the European Parliament will play an increasingly important role , but this will be because countries and peoples will be asking for it to play , to control the European Commission in Brussels , to push forward the policies which people are looking for and it is after all , I think we should recall , that it is the Germans now who are calling for strength and institutions , including increased powers for the European Parliament .
7 Bukharin pointed out that many features that characterise Primitive accumulation carry on into the history of capitalism itself , yet they do not thereby mean that capitalism is forever stuck in that particular stage of development .
8 More opportunities for individual and small group Work in the infant schools would make it more likely that children will achieve fluency in reading early enough to prevent the rejection of learning which so often accompa-nies failure as children move on into the older primary classes .
9 Come on into the bedroom , we 'll try it on . ’
10 Theodora watched a large , grey speckled hen parade slowly across the sweep , pause , raise an enquiring eye to the front door and pace on into the shrubbery .
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