Example sentences of "[vb base] also got a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've also got a chunk of calf missing .
2 I 've also got a lot of equipment I 'm taking out on the road to be able to write and play , improvise to tapes and so on .
3 They 've also got a song called ‘ Creep ’ ( the next single , natch ) , which has a habit of making innocent bystanders go , ‘ Jeez , what the f— is THAT ? ’
4 Silver added : ‘ We 've also got a 17,000 capacity stand under construction as part of plans to make Elland Road a 40,000 all-seater stadium , so it 's not all doom and gloom . ’
5 As a matter of fact , I 've also got a resident hairdresser and a resident dressmaker .
6 They 've also got a boxing club for about seventy boys .
7 But , you 've also got a methile group on carbon two of that chain .
8 Erm I 've also got a note here to write to Karen .
9 And I 've also got a book that we can use .
10 You 've also got a back-up file called Sarah dot P K shriek .
11 Erm , I 've also got a rather smaller number of copies of ev Evolvematic notes if you wan na do Evolvematic , which I also demonstrated briefly .
12 Cos you have erm is normally four , four , sorry tenth and eleventh years in sixth formers , and they 've also got a subject choice section as well , which I have used in the past for ninth years and it wa , it just got them thinking about things in a completely different way from what we , they 've ever done
13 That includes France which has seen an increase in footage of a thirty thousand square feet and we 've also got a number of sub-lets we 've indicated that erm sub-lets should pay reduces it
14 That 's right , but I 've also got a thing about being pushy you see .
15 Maybe their system 's organized differently , but fundamentally the problems are the same and that 's given our people the confidence that they needed because they 've been able to see that people everywhere , it 's not just them isolated in , in , you know , Tory Britain , who are facing these particular difficulties , but issues of privatization for example as the same in France and actually about to get much worse , er but , and , and I think that helped erm our colleagues from France who 've also got a perspective on their struggles and their battles we 've been able to support one another with information about companies working , multi-national companies working on both sides of the Channel .
16 ‘ What tends to happen , ’ he explains , ‘ is that bands which are good have also got a bit more wit and charm than the regular outfit .
17 What tends to happen is that bands which are good have also got a bit more wit and charm than the regular outfit
18 Many parts of the continent have also got a drought ; in France , in southern Italy and Greece in particular but Spain , they 're not too bad actually they 've had quite a lot of thundery showers this summer .
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