Example sentences of "[vb base] now that i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I realise now that I was being told to get lost , but that Chris did n't have the guts to tell me himself , ’ she recalls .
2 If I do not get the chance later in my response to answer the comments of the hon. Member for Caernarfon ( Mr. Wigley ) on students with special needs in further education , I say now that I attach great importance to those students .
3 I was always annoyed though , Phil and George were magnificent dancers and the chap I used to walk out with sometimes he er he 'd he he used say now that I look like this !
4 I might feel imagine now that I 'm a rather severe confessor , or a psychoanalyst faced with what I believe they call denial , or the flight into health ! — I might feel that you are concealing your deeper feelings from yourself .
5 School makes me nervous ; when I walk down the corridor I feel that everyone is staring at me , and because a lot of people know about my anorexia they think it their job to comment constantly on what I am eating or not eating , and how much better I look now that I 've put on weight .
6 It has its disadvantages in one 's daily life , and I remember now that I described this in At Mrs L 's — how Julia was like that and her family found it tiring and annoying , because she came to everything freshly and without preconceived opinions , and wasted time and came to odd conclusions because nothing was taken for granted .
7 I remember now that I saw neat features , a nose a little hooked , and a very good figure .
8 I know now that I have a duty to look after myself , for no one else will bother .
9 In retrospect , I know now that I could not have chosen a more co-operative species than the chub with which to begin a vocation in big-fish angling .
10 And I know now that I will recognise him … however long it takes .
11 I know now that I always knew that the woman would find the pictures .
12 I did n't belong to a union , I did n't know anything about my rights then , and I know now that I did n't have any in that particular case …
13 ‘ They also know now that I am in your room , señorita .
14 Yes Chairman erm , I 'm , I should like to draw attention to the paragraph three , two and wonder what happened to three , three , because er we see it goes from my copy goes from three , two , to three , four , so er I do n't know whether there is anything in three , three that I have forgotten , but I , I assume now that I which they 're are two other .
15 This , I believe now that I examine it , is because underneath this thought , like a warm underblanket , is a reassuring additional thought , viz :
16 I suppose now that I could have freaked out and started smashing the place up , getting myself expelled as a result .
17 ‘ I suppose now that I 'm penniless I 'm no longer suitable for the wonderful Craig Grenfell .
18 I find now that I can take a little comfort for acting beyond my authority and without Don Bennett 's knowledge of what I was doing .
19 I feel now that I can express myself better than I ever could in the last fifteen years ; I 've even gotten into the Mississippi Delta style , fingerpicking blues .
20 I feel now that I 've got an epitaph at the end of my life that I did something , I was n't a taker …
21 I think now that I need not have been so prim and stand-offish , but I was afraid to wound him further by giving him what might possibly be taken for false ‘ encouragement ’ .
22 He and my mother had been together for at least ten years when I was born , and we think now that I was her hostage to fortune , the factor that might persuade him to get a divorce and marry her .
23 I almost wish now that I had settled for chronic asthma with which to punish Miller , dispensing with the limp and the sausage fingers altogether .
24 I wish now that I had never spoken to you . ’
25 I always wish now that I 'd met him .
26 I realize now that I should have fired him right then but I thought at the time that when we got him on the set he would be OK .
27 ‘ I realize now that I 've hopelessly misunderstood you , Clare .
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