Example sentences of "[vb base] up into the " in BNC.

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1 The herds of antelope cluster together a little more tightly ; vultures and storks alight in the tops of trees to roost ; baboons clamber up into the branches where they will be safe from prowling leopards .
2 Some nothing can spoil , and they grow up into the nicest young people you can imagine . ’
3 Head up into the wind with most of the weight placed on the back foot and a low crouched position .
4 Mainly the sparks fly down off the wheel , but some seem to cling to the circumference all round then fly up into the operator 's face .
5 Climb up into the first lost valley viewing the towering cliffs of Sgor Chionasaid and Sgor a' Bhatain on either side .
6 The train stopped there long enough for me to run along the line and climb up into the great diesel engine driven by Bert Coad from Perth and Hilton Hinchcliff from Kalgoorlie .
7 Male homosexuals frequently have warts around the anal margin and in some cases these extend up into the anal canal itself .
8 So it 's very easy for bacteria , which are always present around the anus , to reach the usually bacteria-free urethra and travel up into the bladder where they multiply and irritate the bladder lining .
9 you can take a donkey ride up into the mountains in the morning , before spending the afternoon on a jet ski or paragliding down the beach .
10 We look up into the sky , we watch the shapes of the clouds changing till we recognize a picture .
11 In the same way they look up into the night sky to see the stars and feel the awe and wonder of the infinite worlds with their infinite distances into which may be submerged all our preoccupations as if we had washed our souls in the oceans of space .
12 Then , back up into the sky explodes the ‘ jump-jet ’ harrier and over the heath he sails .
13 When the required function has been selected the menu rolls back up into the menu bar leaving the screen clear .
14 Telegraph poles push up into the living quarters protecting folk from the fickle rising seas .
15 We 've got to make sure we get up into the Premier Division first . ’
16 Downstairs smoke-rooms sent the odour of fine Havana leaf up into the street to mingle with the scent of fresh-roasted coffee or the exhaust of an occasional motorcar .
17 This is overlain by further sandstones and silty red-beds which pass up into the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone .
18 The next day we drive up into the hills two hours from Kingston to see Bob 's tomb in his village birthplace of Nine Miles , St Ann 's parish .
19 The hunting season for the palombe is short but deadly , and if you go up into the hills while it is on , the local men will be crouched there in their camouflage jackets , or lined up at stands along the roads , their shotguns aimed hungrily out over the valley .
20 Fireworks burst up into the dark sky , then fizz to nothing .
21 If one monkey is separated , the blockers dash up into the trees ahead to take up their positions , crashing through the branches in a way that is quite unlike their normal movements .
22 ‘ We come up into the wind and collect the Zodiac . ’
23 Slowly come up into the final standing position .
24 Pale , cold , clammy , yes , this is the opposite , you 've got all the signs and symptoms here of a stroke , now if , this could go on with and erm if somebody , if something is n't done very quickly with this compression the person has still got this bleed , or clot in the head and eventually they just kind of all come up into the foetus position , literally all goes spastic , all these spastic movements right , you finished writing ?
25 However , about ten o'clock the police car come up into the close and I was up in the workshop and I says to him I says , aye , I says , have you found Charlie ?
26 The track which you follow from the village of Gavarnie to the cirque is necessarily a good , well-worn one , almost a road for much of the journey , through beech woods and then across open grasslands , before the last rough and rocky stretch up into the mouth of the cirque .
27 ‘ Well , I 'm sure with all that air inside it from the balls , ’ explained Endill , ‘ It will eat a ball too many and float up into the sky for all to see . ’
28 However , after entering through the underground tunnel in this façade a clear idea of Roman construction can be gained from the restored vaulted chambers which now lead up into the peristyle courtyard .
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