Example sentences of "[vb base] if we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Your patience is appreciated and we apologise if we have been overpaying you .
2 They were but it , well it was an event , a big event in , in the , among the younger people anyway in Brooks in Willenhall then and er it was really lovely , really lovely I forget if we had to pay to go in , but er we had er we saved up for a good few weeks before , so that we would have some money to spend at the Wakes it was one of the an event of the year then , but erm I used to like Willenhall Wakes and er I used to go dancing a lot well I was allowed to go dancing cos I 've always loved singing and dancing you see and er I was allowed but I had to be home before my father got home , but I was n't always .
3 Most horses can be highly motivated to do what we want if we reward them with some favourite food .
4 Now Dennis will not sit on any of the committees , well we simply could not get our view and the representation that we want if we did not have erm membership of er particular er committees .
5 ‘ We can summon them any time we want if we have to go somewhere .
6 If you want if we do what I to do
7 They say if we sign the lease , then they will think about negotiating .
8 So shall we have a bit of tidy round here , say if we go in about hour ?
9 and you 're forever in and out , in and out , in and out of that , it 's alright say if we 've got somebody in there that was in the
10 So say if we have to we have to .
11 Cos as I say if we did see Sefton Avenue or New Drove today .
12 Say if we do n't get it right at the beginning what we get out at the end can be very successful .
13 Can we not say that we say if we do n't have agreement by the thirty first of January we can take someone like who we 've already identified who will do the job for the money and take at least one person on pending a decision on the salary increase ?
14 The distinctions at this high level are relatively unilluminating : we can better see how feeding ecology and feeding behaviour interact if we examine more closely a smaller group of species .
15 Imagine if we got it .
16 Cause if we leave it all till the weekend we do n't do it .
17 How would the caring services react if we knew that our performance was being evaluated by the people we were serving , and if disabled people were always involved in deciding : which issues they felt were most important ; how the money should be spent ; and who they wanted to employ to support them to get the job done .
18 so we must n't feel hurt , I 'd probably feel hurt we must n't be er adversely react if we do n't like the answers that we get .
19 Mayhap if we had a few more wizards among us we would not now be in the straits we are in . ’
20 IF and I repeat IF we buy both Jobson and Bardsley who 's going to go ?
21 If say the female has got an income of only er two thousand a year , she 's got er an unused allowance of fourteen forty five , in other words , erm that er three four four five allowance is n't being used now , I mean if we put ten thousand into his name , erm we would er suffer tax at erm say twenty five percent on most of it .
22 an acknowledgement , and acknowledgement in a manner to be agreed , if that really is , I mean if we put our twenty thousand pounds to pay for the lift for the disabled or something like that ,
23 it 's a pity cos I mean if we put , if , if Billy went away on I could use it
24 that people can make their o , they have a balanced education which allows them then to make their own choices about , that things are n't over , I mean if we 've lived in a patriarchal society in which men are in power and that kin , and male sexuality maybe has come through more in sex education , those have been the issues that have been co , ha have been given more importance and female issues have maybe been neglected a little bit and now erm , with Aids as a problem we do n't want to turn out and suddenly become really homo homophobic or really , you know , right condoms , condoms , it has to be you know , you need to kind of keep the balance so that people are given the information and then have the freedom to make the choice themselves .
25 because I do n't want to put them off either , I mean if we 've got to the
26 Okay , what about erm , if the opposite , I mean if we 've got reactive tasks , what 's the opposite of that ?
27 You w you will tr we do n't want you know va I mean if we get too many , it could go the other way , but we i if we could get three or four items , that would be very nice .
28 Do n't need , I mean if we get somebody in to do that , we 'd have somebody in do little bits of repairs here and there , but generally it 's alright .
29 I mean if we get finished now and clean the ki cooker and and clean everything and say right , we 're out of the kitchen then , nothing more tonight .
30 Er yeah , well you know we were rough because , but I mean if we got into a fight , there we there were no gang warfare .
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