Example sentences of "[vb base] been tell by " in BNC.

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1 At least that 's what we 've been told by the seat-cover suppliers , Courtaulds Textiles , which produces the terribly natty ‘ Renaissance ’ decor for Rover 's new Metro .
2 It 's for the people who are n't happy with the weight they 're at , or if it 's unhealthy — if it 's endangering your health and you have to do something about it ; if you 've been told by your doctor to lose weight .
3 There 's things that we are doing like I 've been told by a couple of people this evening the autumn programme they think it 's very good very progressive very enjoyable I thi that that to me that reinforces the autumn programme by several people so people who here are people here this evening feel they we say something about what is n't on the agenda or what is on the agenda but I think that 's what the meetings for but I do n't think it 's a bad exercise to talk to the people who actually pay come in the building I mean I think that 's a valid exercise .
4 It does n't matter , I mean , where or whom you 've been told by , as long as you 've been told you can take precautions later in life from sexual diseases and and getting yourself pregnant .
5 It is n't working out for me , I 've been told I 've got ta increase my payments to a hundred and one pounds fifty two a week for my two children from my previous marriage , and I 've been told by Social Security that the hundred and one pound fifty two a week will take my ex-wife and her husband off income support , so I will be keeping her family and their child .
6 where we 've got to with our recycling initiative , and then we can look at that grant in the light of what we 've been told by Carol .
7 Now we 've been told by , in reports that we 've got five , six hundred up to ni , we 're gon na have nine hundred vacancies this is Mr
8 I 've been told by numerous friends of his that he does n't want anything to do with Ricky at all , that he 's said .
9 Now I 've been told by other people who 've er erm gone down this route that I 'm proposing to follow with L E As that erm there are two ways round it .
10 In a couple of days she 'll be up and about again , but I 've been told by the doctor to keep her off school for a while longer .
11 ‘ We 've been told by distributors that if our films were French , they 'd have no trouble with them at all .
12 ‘ I 've been told by my superiors that I could use it in the same way that I would to prosecute anyone found mistreating a dog .
13 Well the position which I 've been told by my company directors is that we are still trading , er a er an administration order has been taken out and we are continually , continuing to trade and er that er rules .
14 It is difficult to know what of the next few seconds I remember , or have pieced together , or have been told by Nathan .
15 We have been told by the Cotswold Pig Development Company that they believe the ‘ White F1 hybrid sows ’ would stand up to outdoor conditions .
16 THREE women widowed in the Gulf war have been told by Government officials that they will not set aside money from the publicly-donated Gulf Trust to help them with an education fund for their children .
17 They have been told by the local authority that they can not grow oilseed rape because the smell might upset Disney guests .
18 These new-look All Blacks , who have been told by management that the often churlish ungraciousness of other recent seasons is not acceptable , stayed for more than an hour .
19 I have been told by the previous owner that he filled the hubs with grease instead of oil .
20 I have been told by fellow enthusiasts that the original 2.6 litre petrol engine was a very thirsty unit and they suggest that I should install either a diesel unit or a V6 petrol .
21 I have been told by many other breeders that they have experienced a similar thing in their own kennels and so we can assume that the pecking order is not always maintained through physical strength .
22 These discoveries have a bittersweet taste for the many mothers who have been told by their doctors that they themselves were at the root of such problems — because they were over-anxious , inexperienced , nervy , overindulgent or whatever .
23 He is one of several Newcastle players who have been told by manager Kevin Keegan they can go .
24 The Springbok side to face a powerful England B at Bristol have been told by coach John Williams that if they fulfil his expectations , they will face the Five Nations champions on Saturday .
25 Meanwhile , the poor actors who are facing long stints on the Costa Eldorado have been told by the BBC that if they want to come home on breaks or holidays , they will have to pay their own fare .
26 I have been told by an old Rochdale colleague of hers that she may have married a doctor and that he thinks she was left a cottage in Tonypandy some time in the mid to late 1960s .
27 I have been told by Mr Gerald Hamilton that Boulestin 's novel called Les Fréquentations de Maurice , published about 1950 , is highly entertaining .
28 Nevertheless , we have been told by counsel that the matter is far from academic , in that justices ' courts are concerned , this being a matter which has exercised justices ' courts on many occasions and on which there are different practices in different justices ' courts .
29 WILLIAMS : I am sorry I have incurred your displeasure and the more as I have been told by Lady Jones that you had a more honourable view than at first was apprehended .
30 I have been told by well-meaning friends that I have a touch of fever … well , so be it !
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