Example sentences of "[vb base] back with [art] " in BNC.

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1 I ease back with the gun so he has room to move .
2 The Sergeant galloped past a man and cut back with a savage slash of his sword .
3 French polish or varnish , cut back with a fine grade of wirewool and wax , will give a good finish , and a dark tinted wax worked well into the corners will add a bit of instant age .
4 Efficiency wage theories tie back with the rationale of the firm as a form of productive organization .
5 Dip a cotton bud into cuticle-remover and go round each cuticle , then push back with a rubber-tipped hoofstick .
6 ‘ We came out here looking for a 100per cent record and I 'll be disappointed if we go back with a defeat , ’ said Llewellyn .
7 There are certain associates , who 're not going to use a rate book , there 's associates who er , because you 're doing a two appointment sale , will always have time to come back to the office and get a computer quote and go back with the right answer .
8 I 'm gon na do the pump and go back with the chaps .
9 After lunch he 'd go into the city and come back with a whole armful of roses , the price of many shirts . ’
10 After much remonstrating during which I was told very kindly and politely that there was no problem , till I felt like tearing my hair out , I was sent to sit in a corner ( just a woman you see ) and Mr Fleming was ushered off to meet an official , rush off somewhere and come back with a piece of paper which was duly stamped , passport returned , and off we went to meet our contact , who explained in a jocular fashion that I was the problem .
11 ‘ If Halifax come back with a decent offer we 'll consider it .
12 There was a ripe collection of April Fool items flying around the industry this year , with BICC Plc 's BICC Information Systems & Services promoting its underware , the first two items being BISS-SLIP for Synchronised Linked Internet Protocol and BISS-NICS Network Integrity Circuit Service , and Chase Research Inc of Nashville , Tennessee threatening to knock MS-DOS , Unix and NT off their perches with a resurrected CPM/93 version of the late lamented CP/M operating system — and comes on 300 8″ floppies , bundled with an 8″ floppy drive for $100 ; but the prize has to go for Hewlett-Packard Ltd , which yesterday announced new security features for its Vectra personal computers — User Fingerprint Recognition on all models , and both Photographic Recognition — a tiny camera in the middle of the screen that recognises you even when you come back with a tan , and Odour Recognition — designated users must not change their perfume or after shave — on 80486 models ; not recognised ?
13 An Irishman had denied belonging to an illegal terrorist organisation ; one of the Sergeants had left the room and come back with a photocopy of a warrant for his arrest issued by the RUC in Dundalk .
14 ‘ And he 'd go away and chuck it in the bin or down the sink and come back with a new one .
15 The first day Emma had escorted Ruth to the gates and come back with a red nose .
16 ‘ We send you out to buy sandwiches and you come back with a hostage ? ’
17 I , I , would it be , would it be erm , wrong of me to ask you say , grant up to five hundred pounds , and I go in and talk to him , so we come back with a council , with a scheme .
18 come back with a bit of treasure and the answer .
19 Budget sub-committee said , we understand that , what we 're asking , what we ask is that the er , director of finance and the Chief Executive look at it and come back with a report .
20 Two hours later she come back with a ham sandwich .
21 Last time the kid ran away he come back with a
22 And Shelley come back with a knife .
23 Then , when I come back with the welding torch , no sign of the bastard .
24 I have my orders — come back with the money or without you .
25 Joyce Anderson , of Thornton Hough , said : ‘ We are not really in a race against time , the winners will be the party who come back with the fewest miles on their clock .
26 I come back with an armful of dead birch to find Tony digging films out of a snowdrift near the tent .
27 They 're still fighting , which is a good sign and come back with an equaliser just before half-time .
28 So in other words then just to , just to summarize erm if I can come or if I can come up with er a recommendation to provide that sort of cover within that er price range erm then erm is there , is there any reason why when I do that er next time that you could n't , come back with an appointment next week , that you could n't er proceed ?
29 You 'd bloody like to go on holiday to America and they come back with an American accent I could shoot people who do that .
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