Example sentences of "[vb base] not do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Future generations of composers will damn our spinelessness if we do not do something about this proposal , and they will be right .
2 Whatever you do , do not do nothing .
3 You do not do me justice , my dallta , for what you do reflects on me also , and they laugh at me with you because you let a wee Campbell lassie put a petticoat on you ! ’
4 He does not believe that Britain lacks for entrepreneurs , but he is concerned that many of them do not do their homework well enough .
5 He is the kindest , nicest man , but he is very intolerant of people who do not do their homework . ’
6 And I feel that many solicitors do not do their job they do not explain fully to the purchaser what they are taking on .
7 Arthur Young in 1795 , pointing out in a year of extreme hunger that it was against the law to starve in England , included in his argument : " Parish officers are bound to provide … and if they do not do their duty , there is an appeal to the justice , who will force them to its performance . "
8 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
9 it 's like the , cos I keep saying if you must do those F's you do it at school I said , but do not do them for me , I said if you do I do not want to see them , but again you 've got a conflict there between home and school
10 The colour photos I have seen of this fish just do not do him justice .
11 My response to these people is , if you can , t do the thing properly , then , please , do not do it at all .
12 We do not do it for any other aspect of our social existence .
13 If , however , the leader says simply ‘ Do this ’ with no ‘ Simon says ’ , then the children do not do it .
14 Henry H noted threateningly at the end of a letter of command addressed to one of his prévôts : ‘ If you do not do this , William of Vernone or his servants will do it ; and if they do not do it , my justice shall do it . ’
15 It is asking a good deal of students to abstract process from content if lecturers do not do it .
16 Social anthropologists can and do study members of their own society and they have been doing so for a long time , though mostly they do not do it very well .
17 To be fair — after all , if I do not do it , I am sure that someone else will — I shall go back to the time of the last Labour Government .
18 As I say when you become a councillor you do not do it for money , I mean I think probably to be a better reason to become a councillor these days .
19 It affects your job , your job prospects , your family life and the hidden costs , such as letters , telephone calls leaflets and the rest of it , you do not do it for money .
20 But I do not do it , because I do not wish to upset Señora Richards . ’
21 Also , do not do lots of tests on one animal .
22 If you do not do anything like this , but on the other hand you do walk a fair amount each day ( to the shops , to work , etc. ) record either the distance or the time spent in walking each day .
23 They do not do anything that they are not entitled to do , and they usually do it reasonably conscientiously .
24 I got up quite late today as I do not do anything important and it is my one real chance for a lie-in .
25 Do not do anything which risks this privilege being withdrawn .
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