Example sentences of "[vb base] at [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After incubation and the exertions of tending their young , adults require the rest of the summer to regain condition and undergo at least a partial moult , then to fatten again for their journey back to the wintering grounds .
2 Probably most languages grammaticalize at least a distinction between proximal ( or close to speaker ) and distal ( or non-proximal , sometimes close to addressee ) , but many make much more elaborate distinctions as we shall see .
3 Institutions established outside the normal administrative structures having broad responsibilities for regional or area development provide at least a theoretical framework able to ensure a degree of coordination between sectoral government agencies .
4 How do you adhere to the HN Unit Specification and yet provide at least a context which makes it fully your own college 's HNC/D .
5 I know that because I grow at least a dozen of them in my allotment .
6 They want at least a five-year transition period before Europe 's exchange rates are locked for good .
7 The Experience consists of four young men who look , talk and act as if they 've grown up in good families , graduated from decent schools , and dress as if they shop at just the right places — Paul Smith , say , or Emporio Armani .
8 Candidates must be members of the RSC , hold at least a masters or PhD degree in chemistry or a related subject and already be actively engaged in research .
9 hold at least a Master 's degree or equivalent
10 You will be surprised at how differently the authors look at even an elementary subject .
11 Refrigerated display cabinets are micro-processor controlled to ensure that they run at exactly the correct temperature — cold enough to preserve food properly , not so cold that they waste energy .
12 This vision is like that which Eliot praised in his childhood favourite , Kipling , whose Puck of Pook 's Hill and Rewards and Fairies particularly ‘ give at once a sense of the antiquity of England , of the number of generations and peoples who have labored the soil and in turn been buried beneath it , and of the contemporaneity of the past ’ .
13 It must have taken Summerchild at least an extra minute in each direction ; as I recall it from those evenings fifteen years ago , he walked at a much more reflective pace , as if slowed by some inner weight .
14 And I now know at least a few words in Greek , Italian and Portuguese ! ’
15 You know at least the erm
16 Similarly , poster campaigns usually last at least a month , and frequently three .
17 Feminists have always been quick to point out the double standards which operate at virtually every level of discourse .
18 Summer holidays arrive at just the wrong time for gardeners .
19 Concern for the loss of such an important economic resource led to research on population dynamics and resulted in close seasons for hunting , even though all the Canadian provinces and 47 of the United States still allow at least a limited harvest of wild mink .
20 They guess at only the tip of the iceberg of what is going on in these firms .
21 Treated this way they keep at least a month longer than unwrapped ones .
22 On television , detective series end at just the right moment , after the criminal has been caught and before the courts turn him loose .
23 Any one of these drawbacks would , on its own , constitute at least a serious irritation , but a combination of all of them , compounded in so many cases by material poverty , becomes well-nigh intolerable .
24 you all start at exactly the same level whereas where Claire went I mean , it 's ridiculous to say you should be county standard sports !
25 If you are planning to do this yourself , start at least a fortnight before moving day .
26 Cold dark-matter particles move slowly — hot ones move at nearly the speed of light .
27 Make sure you leave at least a page at the end of each question in case you suddenly g cos what can often happen is you 're writing the answer to one and you think , oh that relates to the earlier one .
28 Yet it remains true that unless the typologies are elaborated beyond a mere classificatory and descriptive labelling of different situations — that is , by attempting to specify the conditions under which each type develops — they remain at only a very preliminary stage of theorising .
29 I do not claim any more for these criteria than that they raise at least the possibility of a belief being affirmable .
30 According to social security legislation , a " seasonal worker " is a " person whose employment is for part or parts only of the year and those parts fall at approximately the same time each year . "
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