Example sentences of "[vb base] it [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 One short discussion with Peter Eade convinced him that want it he did .
2 How I put that eye into my mouth and how I swallowed it I will never know , but swallow it I did .
3 So the way you read it you said And they play against teams from Australia and then you said and then you stopped there but you said The
4 ‘ It was a character that I felt to be a very basic part of me and when I read it I had that immediate connection with him .
5 I had n't read pornography until I wrote the book and when I read it I found it was so badly written it meant nothing to me .
6 causing bad feeling or trying to upset her trade , I mean we know she 's rubbish but erm I , I said er I just said well the children who enjoy it enjoy it I said but he never really settled and er we felt that between us we 'd got over twenty years ' experience of working with children , we reckoned we knew a little bit more about what makes children tick .
7 They promised to publicize the book in China , and publicize it they did .
8 They they accept it they did n't shit .
9 But manage it she did , eventually , and with a sense of elation her fingers closed on the knife .
10 drop it he shouted !
11 Well give it I did n't know that , I 'm er
12 Ah I like it I knew there was something
13 So er we achieved something there , even if it you know it it put the frighteners up the chap , police looking out the windows and you know , saw our reaction when the police turn up , it makes them think again .
14 Put it on , design it she said because it dries very quickly .
15 And disclaim it they did , especially with the advent of steamer shipping across the Atlantic Ocean .
16 Demand it they did , on Friday 13 December 1912 at South Shields , at Leith on the following Sunday , at Liverpool a week later , at Newport , West Hartlepool and in the Port of London .
17 And as I understand it they came down from somewhere er near they obviously were involved in the slate business and then they or organized their own firm Brothers and I believe it was about seventeen er eighty nine , maybe earlier .
18 Fuck it I wondered what the bloody hell that was !
19 he said it 's it 's the twelfth payment which he said is you know , just pay it I said
20 But they did not : in their eyes , blackness was a resource to be used ; and use it they did — to strengthen their resolve , redouble their efforts and forge a will to succeed .
21 We did the Christmassy stuff and the old New Orleans favourites and , with Trippy playing the top of the truck cab with a pair of spare drum sticks , I got them organized into a version of Masekela 's Do n't Go Lose It which lasted one and a half circuits .
22 Well I think as an early potato Stefan , I would chose from Rocket for the earliest , I would grow I think for as well as that I would go for Foremost but if you want a real waxy potato it would still be Arran Pilot cos now whenever you eat it it got a strong taste , whether it 's young or whether it 's old .
23 Yet fear it I did , so greatly did the idea come to me that if I took her up to the cave to meet Elsbeth , she would somehow have trapped me instead of I her .
24 You see I mean it it did occur to me that er erm on on the three occasions that we 've done this now , it always turns out to be er me involved in about just you know either playing the piano or something else in just about everything .
25 And make it they did , daughter Suzette succeeding as an actress and eldest son Noel carving out a career as a top TV cameraman .
26 her hand away you know , if you imagine she if you make it she did n't take her hand away
27 I do n't know if that is n't erm what they call it who died not long ago ?
28 Before you mark it I did mark it
29 There was something in his face that had no right to be there , and the fact that it was so unexpected made it hard for her to recognise ; but recognise it she did , and its presence bewildered her .
30 And I think it it caused quite a lot of hassle and difficulty for people with young children .
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