Example sentences of "[vb base] in [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 If two people meet socially , face to face , sooner or later one of them will speak , or acknowledge in some way the presence of the other — even if it 's only a nod .
2 Telecommunications were easier to build , service , and tap in this way .
3 There was after all nothing remarkable about seeing two men kiss in that way at that time of the night .
4 They can not have done this only by dividing the language into neat areas , for the areas interact in complex ways in which the whole is not equal to the sum of the parts .
5 But ask them why they interact in this way and they will eventually pass you on to a scientist who ( no matter how many equations they might try to confuse you with ) in the end can only say ‘ Well , that 's the way things are ’ .
6 Generally , the study of hemispherectomized children shows that cortical and subcortical visual systems interact in different ways for different visual functions , and raises the important question of how far these interactions may be plastic during early development .
7 As John Cook pointed out in the preceding chapter , it mistakenly assimilates the concepts of capacities like understanding , thinking , remembering , and the other psychological verbs to those of sensations like pain , and thus turns them into specific yet insubstantial and wholly mysterious inner states , available only to private introspection , which correlate in some way with their behavioural signs .
8 These have proved a boon to many occasional users of complex applications , and by making different applications function in similar ways can considerably reduce re-training time .
9 Assuming that people act in certain ways , what is implied about prices , quantities held , etc' ? … the realism of the assumptions matters little .
10 Whether in practice they act in this way has not been established convincingly .
11 If all teams act in this way , overall control will be maintained .
12 On the contrary , as we began this book by noticing , most people think that judges who act in this way are usurpers .
13 It is assumed that so-called reminder treatments act in some way to increase the likelihood that associations ( especially weak ones that will be most in need of such help ) will be effective in generating overt conditioned responding , then the pattern of results observed can be accommodated .
14 Circuses which use animals do so for profit , and there is no satisfactory scientific evidence that animals benefit in any way from their experiences in such an establishment — they can not educate the public in the artificial environment of performing tricks , they only serve to entertain .
15 Now if that happens , the farmer would probably be prosecuted , and yet it is the case that many chickens die in that way every day .
16 Put in another way , force is underpinned by dominant values extensively shared by the population and which support the operation of the state .
17 Put in another way , the same smoothing recipe applied to different time series will produce different resulting shapes for the smooth , which , as we shall see in the next chapter , is not the case when fitting straight lines .
18 Put in another way the proposal is that a man should seek to know and fully understand the criteria which determine his thoughts and actions .
19 Put in this way , management of the economy seems to have been grossly at fault .
20 But without your support and your demonstrations and support from whites in other countries with the rugby demonstrations , the cricket , with all aspects that you 've done , you 've also contributed to making it easier for us to be the kind of people we would like to be and I hope in that way we therefore do share as a family and then try and create one world .
21 Er , and we are not in terms of any comparative statistics that are providing costs on management and support in any way a high spender vis a vis other local authorities , .
22 Workers react in two ways to this occupational situation which infantilises them : some become bored which results in them becoming accident prone , or they develop hostility against those whom they feel have condemned them to this and withdraw into themselves .
23 People react in different ways to odours , for example most people would probably describe rural odours or odour from a brewery , perfumery , or fish and chip shop as pleasant , but not all , some would find them unpleasant , pungent even , especially after being subjected to them for any length of time .
24 We are all different , and we all react in different ways .
25 They learn they 'll be learning that other people react in different ways .
26 Comment : We often react in this way when we 're unsure what emotional needs the other person is expressing , and how to deal with them .
27 Although the powers of income tax collectors are limited by law , poll tax collectors count in many ways as Customs and Excisemen , whose powers are almost unlimited .
28 Almost all of these elements depend in some way for their initial success on the brigade 's own advanced forces , the Pathfinder Platoon .
29 all that 's been disclosed is one as far as I know , erm your Lordship can see that I at some stage need to have a look at them , er before I complete in any way so I can cross examine Mr er my Lord may I just say this , on the seventeenth of November , that 's two days ago , we asked for the documents of the necessary twelve M P's two days ago
30 This weakens the analysis and suggests inappropriate and possibly divisive policies which ignore discriminations and disadvantages common to white and black students , or which impinge in varying ways upon boys and girls .
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