Example sentences of "[vb base] to be taken " in BNC.

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1 The way that sons always are , they way they always expect to be taken care of .
2 It found that on average , women expect to be taken out to dinner ten times before they 'll have sex with a man . ’
3 A stranger asking for employment at the mine would not , unless he was skilled in the mining trade , expect to be taken on in a partnership so readily , though a labour shortage might improve his chances .
4 ‘ I am not thinking here of the tabloid press , whose characteristics have been much debated recently , but more particularly of the quality press and the TV programmes which expect to be taken seriously .
5 No longer content to be just four pretty boys ( and Ian Dench ) with a bag full of toytown tunes , daft haircuts and even dafter trousers , EMF want to be taken seriously .
6 Since you have the keys and I 'm a customer , I want to be taken to the vault , please , ’ she said in a loud , clear voice , her heart hammering with apprehension .
7 I want to be taken seriously , which makes it galling that when I 've got a brain , certain types of men try to treat me like some empty-headed bimbo who … ’
8 But tonics deserve to be taken seriously .
9 These objections deserve to be taken seriously .
10 There 's an old saying do n't get mad , get even , and the only way we 're gon na get even with this government and we have to learn a lesson from history , is to do to this government what unfortunately we had to do in nineteen seventy nine and if any government deserve to be taken on , then it 's this Tory government .
11 The main plank of Leninism is an organisational structure which will allow the best arguments in society to be aired and the argument that has most support to be taken as policy .
12 The alternative mode of procedure is for the court to make an order under Order 39 , rule 1 of the Rules of the Supreme Court for the issue of a letter of request to the judicial authorities of the country in which the proposed witness is , asking that they take , or cause to be taken , the evidence of that person .
13 Along the way , Martin hopes , costume studies may cease to be the poor relation among museum departments and begin to be taken more seriously .
14 Cochrane 's ( 1971 ) criticisms still seem as relevant and cogent today as they did 20 years ago , and at last seem to be taken seriously by the medical establishment and health policy- makers .
15 well if there 's , if there 's not many people sitting in the day room , perhaps we can pinch one , all the stools seem to be taken there are n't many spare in there , can we pinch a couple of chairs please ?
16 Er , the stools all seem to be taken er there you are , are you getting one Chris ?
17 WE ALL like to be taken seriously , especially when we are feeling ill .
18 The contents of Duncan Sandys ' White Paper were judiciously leaked during March ; a standard Whitehall ploy based on the well-founded assumption that neither the market nor the media like to be taken by surprise .
19 Within a subject the system allows little note to be taken of the level or function of material .
20 But Dr Gayford suggests that women who demand to be taken in their birthday suits should face up to reality .
21 She was about to turn to him and demand to be taken back when he suddenly swung on to a track she had not seen from the distance .
22 ‘ I demand to be taken to the plush offices of a disreputable publicity manager , ’ Chico demanded .
23 The single most startling fact for girls , however , is that they tend to be taken into care for ‘ status offences ’ rather than for breaking the law .
24 But the area office files also carry ‘ white ’ information , in the form of the date and the sum involved in any potential transaction when they have been consulted on behalf of the member ; also the customer 's occupation , and an outline of any transaction actually made with the customer ( though members may not report this to UAPT ; so the note of sums involved in potential transactions which have been the subject of previous inquiries tend to be taken as indications of credit arrangements which have actually been entered in )
25 Some hemiplegic patients are incontinent , either because they have poor sensation and can not feel when the bladder or bowel needs to be emptied , or because they do not pay attention and so forget to go to the toilet , or ask to be taken .
26 An extracode is an instruction which has a normal instruction format , but attempted execution of which causes an interrupt to be taken into the supervisor , instead of causing execution by the hardware .
27 They included the cost of a pond in St James 's Park , the provision of ordnance for St Mawes Castle , the state of fortresses in Kent , the expenses of Sir Francis Drake 's recent and final voyage to the Caribbean , the debts of the late Earl of Huntingdon and Sir Thomas Heneage , the answers of the Earl of Pembroke and Sir Richard Bingham to charges made against them , complaints of decays in the Bishopric of Durham , the dispute in the College of Arms between Garter King-at-Arms and Clarencieux , a claim on the barony of Dacre , the voyage of the Earl of Essex and the Lord Admiral to Cadiz , and , rather obscurely , ‘ order to be taken with Matthew Goodman for the cosener ’ .
28 Under the new contracts staff would work a 37-hour week and have 35 days holiday to be taken at the management 's discretion .
29 This would allow 2 x 2 weeks holidays to be taken per year for ( 1 ) plus 1 x 1 weeks holiday to be taken per year for ( 2 ) .
30 In fact , those who most seem to be themselves appear to me people impersonating what they think they might like to be , believe they ought to be , or wish to be taken to be by whoever is setting standards .
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