Example sentences of "[det] way [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 Reinforcement occurs when I help you in some way and you reciprocate by helping me .
2 But however you you wangled them some way and you you eventually learnt your trade by half going to classes at night school and half of information from the bakers you had to put two and two together and you worked it out .
3 Jupiter 's principle of expansion will apply to partnerships so that you can add to the relationship in some way or you will find your self-esteem rocketing because you are adored .
4 Jeff what 's another way that you might make the audience feel that they 're involved ?
5 It is as well to be clear in this way that you are giving priority to suspense because , of course , there are elements of suspense not only in almost all crime fiction but in almost all fiction of any sort .
6 Last month I wrote about designing flowers this way but you can elaborate much more on this theme from simple streaky patterns to real ‘ crater-like ’ shapes .
7 No horses have been this way since you drove them off , ’ he said to Allen .
8 you still have your W going up this way and you have your N going along that way .
9 Continue in this way until you have made the required length of band then , by unravelling the cord to this point , you can pull the end of yarn through your last loop and so tie a knot .
10 — Continue pausing in this way until you feel completely confident that you can follow the main points of the programme .
11 ‘ Would you do it this way if you were starting off from scratch ? ’ was the question posed by ACOST chairman Sir Robin Nicholson .
12 Cos you 'll get half way and you 'll have to hike
13 If you get a post with two arrows it means you 're exactly half way and you 've got ta make the decision for yourselves .
14 It closes off the street half way and you know George Street is a commercial street erm delivery lorries will go up and not know where to turn round and come back or what entrance or exit they can use , and also because traffic ca n't use it it will simply put a terrific amount on another of the main streets , namely Beaumont Street .
15 It was , ‘ If you guys want to do it , you can do it ; whatever you decide to do I 'll be behind you , but I do n't want to push you either way because you 're individuals . ’
16 ‘ An inch either way and you 'd be history , so I hear .
17 No two candidates will respond to questions in exactly the same way so you must keep a fair amount of flexibility in your approach — it would be wrong to stop a candidate from following up an interesting and potentially revealing answer simply because it is not coming at the designated point in your schedule .
18 They all end up the same way but you do it by different ways .
19 Pay SMP in the same way that you would normally pay your employee 's wages .
20 ‘ Coronation Street and The Smiths go hand in hand in the same way that you could couple Frankie with Brookside — two necessary focal points of each city , at least for those south of the ship canal and the Mersey .
21 When you offer a piece of information , you do n't commit yourself in quite the same way that you do when you propose or suggest an idea .
22 In effect they will be assessing you in much the same way that you make your own self-assessment and then trying to match you to jobs in the way that you should do when applying for jobs directly .
23 In the same way that you go into a DIY store to mix paint , we are looking to fit our product to customers ’ lifestyle and financial needs . ’
24 You must exercise your mind each day in the same way that you do your body .
25 So you have to set the boundaries for friends , in just the same way that you do for parents .
26 Take your pulse in the same way that you calculated your resting pulse rate earlier .
27 In edit mode a red LED comes on and the pedals select individual effects , in the same way that you 'd switch between a row of compact effects pedals .
28 When you are told to move the lace carriage more than once ( by a succession of straight arrows ) , you are shaping the stitches on the needles to firm the pattern , in the same way that you slip stitches to and fro on knitting needles before ‘ purling ’ back .
29 ‘ In the same way that you hoped to impose order on the undercity ? ’ asked Tundrish sarcastically .
30 Perhaps you know them over the garden wall to speak to you , you might even know their children by name and you know their christian name , but beyond that I think it 's true to say , even making allowance of generation gaps that you do n't know your neighbours in the same way that you knew your neighbours in London .
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