Example sentences of "[det] way [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Of course I did n't say anything , but I must have reacted in some way and it got through to him , because he seemed more relaxed from that point on .
2 It is only in this way that it is possible to explain the fact that Chingis Khan was able to organize the nomads of Central Asia , an extraordinarily disparate collection of groupings whether considered ‘ racially ’ or ‘ linguistically ’ , into a unified and effective war machine .
3 It is because grammar has the effect of refining the relatively raw conceptual material of lexis by systematizing it in this way that it is considered as the primary determinant .
4 He did not explain how this latter figure squared with McAteer 's figure of two thousand ; Nationalists and Unionists often threw figures at each other in this way but it was not always clear exactly what they meant .
5 It is not only easier to remember everything this way but it can actually be more fun too .
6 Yeah again it 's not brilliant to do it this way but it will just fit on .
7 It is certainly true that it can be used in this way but it is far from being the only way to use video in the classroom — particularly in language teaching .
8 You can also move a range of cells in this way once it has been blocked .
9 On the face of it the statement ‘ God is Truth ’ seems to imply that Truth is an attribute or description of God , and in the first instance Gandhi was content to allow the phrase to be used in this way although it did not accurately reflect his position .
10 Though I do believe Alfieri is still important for the role he plays which I mentioned at the beginning as it is clever of Miller to incorporate the ‘ narrator ’ into the play in this way although it is not an original idea as Shakespeare used it with his characters ' soliloquies .
11 Temples are revered in this way and it is not uncommon to observe a priest in prayer moving clockwise around a sacred enclosure , or a Stupa .
12 ‘ There 's a strange train on the line coming this way and it has run through all the fogs without setting them off . ’
13 And if you 've told someone else I 'm going to change my work practices in this way and it 's been supported then is it , it 's more difficult to forget about it
14 then V will be You can write it as sine squared but I 'm just writing this way cos it it means more .
15 Although water is far less compressible than air , the aquifer holds a lot of water compressed in this way because it is much larger than a tyre .
16 Unfortunately , much of the investment that took place was never evaluated in this way because it was regarded as " inescapable " , that is , necessary to supply a satisfactory service level , rather than the level of service supplied being part of the decision-making procedure .
17 But do we talk this way because it is the way we think ?
18 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
19 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
20 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
21 Yet it is difficult to see why employers in all countries would behave in this way if it was not to their advantage .
22 It should soon develop a habit of relieving itself in this way when it finds an appropriate spot at the start of its walk .
23 The author of the Anonimalle Chronicle , however , who evidently had some admiration for Gaunt 's achievement , believed that the army only began to suffer in this way when it wintered in Gascony .
24 The Princess had spotlights , he 'd turn them around this way when it was time to get Sandy to the door and then he 'd go back on his own to switch them off .
25 yeah , but that 's a hundred I mean you can tell , I 've tried it , it is , I , I ai n't even had it half way and it 's , you can tell it 's overdriving them
26 We 'd hardly gone half way when it began to rain and we had to run the rest of the way to queue under shelter .
27 Now , the final point I want to make in this little section , and I think Liz is going to help me make this point , and that is that one of your problems , which is not a big problem compared with some organizations , is you 've got to take what you 're doing , and repackage it in such way that it is of interest to ordinary people .
28 So he clicked it all way and it come up I says now get your green line I says straight down middle and tune it in .
29 The health service does not have a monopoly in cleaning , catering and laundry skills in the same way that it does in the skills required to treat sick people .
30 By establishing a partnership it is likely that the school must recognise its own role in servicing , supporting , and maintaining the progress of its partnership , in the same way that it would for any internal group .
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