Example sentences of "[det] things [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 They need to sort out a few things and they 'll be very competitive . ’
2 I 've left out and altered some things because they were n't right for a court report .
3 We are better than other countries in some things and they are better than us in others .
4 The Russian 's build this things but they have n't got the money to finance them
5 They can then go on to order him to do such things as they consider necessary to effect the abatement .
6 We might say it is galling for people to hear such things when they have been told they will die in the wilderness , but at least the promises of God remain very much in force for their children .
7 So , basically , what they 're saying there 's all these things that they 'll provide at each stage of his journey so that if care is n't right he knows what channels to go through to complain .
8 Thus benefits such as a welfare system or a national free education system should be given to all people who may do with these things as they wish .
9 Well my husband was out o on strike and I 'd erm got two babies , a year and ten months , and I felt that I had to go and get a job and I was desperate so I 'd heard people talking about these things as they did so I thought well I 've got to do something .
10 Yet , in practice , students in Western countries only protest about these things if they can detect them in their own , or allied , cultures .
11 Mr MacConachie insists : ‘ I only do these things if they are after hours .
12 You 're preaching individuality , intactness , but people let go of these things when they love .
13 Anyway , he only collected all these things till they got sufficient to auction them off .
14 However it is linked to these things because they and it are part of a complex whole , and this rules out the simple correlations between two elements which Engels sought to establish in his ‘ historical ’ discussion .
15 I think about these things because they were domestic economies that we practised in the 1950s .
16 Martin 's an architect and and it actually probably would be you know it might be a good thing to actually sort of provoke a question with architects because they do specify these things and they 're the ones who actually say you know right we 'll specify hardwood .
17 Those of us who witnessed the touch-and-go progress of an ultimately triumphant War and Peace — recorded by Philips for release early next year — feared for the future of the rest , but as Gergiev puts it ‘ that which makes me incredibly proud is that I announced these things and they happened ’ — and , one might add , that inspiration was to hand for rather more performances than the fiercely self-critical Gergiev might admit .
18 Now the diabetic , I 'll leave that for a moment because I 'll do that in a moment , erm the absorption , usually gardeners , agricultural people that have , dealing with ordinary insecticides , pesticides , herbicides and all the other -cides that er , are about today , they 're usually protected , but sometimes either you get somebody in a garden with and using all these things and they , they do n't read packets do they any more ?
19 Jim just handles these things and they get done . ’
20 And they can look at the horn and they can look at these things and they can look this is weld which is the herb that 's used to produce the green the yellow of the green .
21 so she 's , her aunty 's going to Dublin , so I got these things and they were really cheap actually .
22 Cos she was expecting me to trot out something like , yes both my parents went to grammar school like everybody else whose parents went , you know , they were all saying , yes my parents went to grammar school and they got these and these have got these qualifications and everything , I could n't believe it though , there 's a load of people in our class and like you know , all the parents are all these things and they 're not exactly brilliant , the children
23 I was not alone in the way I identified with the saga of the March family , nor was I alone in identifying with Jo ( and presumably all readers do ) in her hurts and disappointments , her longings for femininity that clashed with her dreams of independence and achievement ; and in wishing for the ultimate fairness of all things as they were shaped by those nineteenth century moral certainties .
24 Animals learn to do many things that they never do as an unconditioned response to any stimulus .
25 ‘ When they started stripping the Duchess of Hamilton they started to find so many things that they virtually wished they had never started !
26 Because we had people coming into the town that had come out of rooms one and two rooms in Har , in wherever they came from to Harlow and there were so many things that they required for their home that they could n't afford to have big families and pay their way .
27 Oh well they , they , they do th , men do those things until they 're
28 Now they and their mothers could share more things because they had been through the same experiences — something that happens with older mothers and their parents as well .
29 Before the war at a luncheon party like this people would have said precisely the same things but they would have sounded different , because in those days they were accompanied by a sort of humming noise , not articulate , but musical , exciting , which changed the value of the words themselves …
30 Oh I , I should think that about fifteen years ago er when erm the lighting manufacturers had decided that er there was a great deal more available in lighting than just the erm , type of glass bowls and shades that had been used , well in between the wars er , I mean after the war was over in nineteen forty six er they were still using the same things that they did before the war and this just carried on er and er it , it only within the last what I suppose fifty years that 's over
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