Example sentences of "[det] to do [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was an introductory lecture at twelve , but until then there was n't much to do except get their bearings .
2 They were packed , with stunning girls in evening frocks escorted by officers on leave from all three services , and lucky locals like Charles with nothing very much to do except have a good time when duties permitted .
3 ‘ After a month she said she could n't cope with it — she had so much to do and had to make all the decisions . ’
4 With so much to do and think about , she would have forgotten about Tom Russell altogether in another few minutes — she hoped .
5 ‘ I know I have much to do and learn , but with the able assistance of Lady Bridhe and Seumas Ban , I feel quite capable of running the household to my husband 's satisfaction without your interference . ’
6 It is very different from our usual trip programme — there is so much to do and see , and we 've been selective in choosing only the very best .
7 So much to do and see !
8 There is so much to do and see in Prague — a city which is brought to life by street entertainers , festivals and exhibitions which add to the rich culture of its architectural , artistic and musical heritage .
9 Unfortunate , because I was on ramp duty practically every night , finding the work somewhat impersonal too , the selections now being made by loudspeaker ( such was the weight of traffic ) , and having little to do but stand there drinking and shouting with my colleagues — thus denying Herta the kind of undivided attention that every young wife craves …
10 She was at first incensed at the idea — as if she had no more to do than pack up guns , as if it were an easy matter to send such an object at all , as if she existed only for his convenience — and then amused .
11 To be alone , to have nothing to think about except oneself … to have nothing more to do than to die without a supreme approbation !
12 ‘ I 've more to do than sit about . ’
13 The physicists who felt they had left their successors with little more to do than to clean up a few minor problems expressed the same mood as August Schleicher , who was sure that ancient Aryans had talked exactly the putative language which he had reconstructed for them .
14 The preparations for the party were set to move into top gear on the Saturday morning ; Diane would have little more to do than to stand aside and watch the professionals at work .
15 While Miller was preparing the Kalendar , he was told of the ‘ ungenerous intention ’ of others to use Dictionary information for the same purpose , ‘ upon which I was the more intent to have it published before such a design could be accomplished by any other hand , which was not very difficult for me to do , having a complete Diary of my own , so that I had little more to do than to transcribe my loose papers and dispose them into the method wherein they are here presented to the world . ’
16 The tape controlled the entire show , including all lighting cues , and the stage manager would have little more to do than read his newspaper and greenlight the girls as they waited in the wings .
17 Well I 'd rather have more to do than have less to cos
18 'That is all I desire' , said John , ‘ I have no more to do but die .
19 There was nothing more to do or say .
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