Example sentences of "[det] great [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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2 At Abydos in Upper Egypt he absorbed the characteristics of the deity Khentamentiu , Lord of the Westerners , an ancient god of cemeteries , and became the ruler and god of the dead , and Abydos developed into another great centre for Osiris worship .
3 This expedition , in addition to proving a new method of jungle warfare , did another great thing for British troops : it convinced them of the friendliness of the people of Burma , for many of them who had fought through the 1942 campaign had prejudiced memories of those hard days .
4 Throw-over bedspreads are another great use for the thicker woven lengths .
5 Here 's some great news for rail users : Regional Railways have almost doubled the number of trains from Thirsk and Northallerton offering you an hourly service into York , Leeds , Manchester and Liverpool .
6 Very long hair has been twisted into this great shape for evening .
7 I know it will give as much joy and satisfaction to you as it will to me , to know that we have played our part in this great crusade for children 's health .
8 I said ‘ Well , we got this great story for a motorcycle picture … . ’
9 Many people are attracted to Yugoslavia because it offers such great value for money .
10 ( Had it this power there might be a dramatic fall in the incidence of needless hysterectomies , gall bladder removals , and other operations performed in that great country for profit rather than the client 's greater good . )
11 The Scots , in particular , got a hell of a lot out the Empire , proportionately the Scots had many more positions of influence and profit in the Empire than we did , and I think Scottish nationalism had it 's economic roots in the last twenty/thirty years from a realization that the Empire 's over , and that great outlet for Scottish energy , education and ambition was closed , therefore the Scots are shut up in the island as they used not to be .
12 According to a manuscript of that great diplomat for science , Francis Bacon ( 1561–1626 ) , the rise of experimental science was sanctioned not merely by religion , but by God Himself .
13 ‘ What will sustain the reformers of Eastern Europe is that great yearning for freedom that has started them off .
14 — John Major , Foreign Secretary ‘ What will sustain the reformers of Eastern Europe is that great yearning for freedom that has started them off .
15 Of course he acquired some better habits , such as that great liking for poetry and music .
16 All great fun for the flyer but not for those inclined to complain about noise pollution .
17 She did n't love her husband , or even have any great affection for him , but she was mindful of the predicament in which he had placed himself by marrying so far beneath him , and she was going to make certain he never had cause to be ashamed of her .
18 And er the amount of money that 's in the appeal fund , whereas it shows a great feeling of warmth from the general public , I think I do n't I mean there 's people dying all over the world , even at home here in Orkney , there 's people that dying , they do n't receive any great compensation for that .
19 For various reasons , therefore , he moved to Jamaica and , although he returned to Barbados many times , it was never with any great enthusiasm for the place .
20 Erm and I do not detect talking to colleagues say on the right of the party , any great enthusiasm for this measure in the way it 's presently er designed .
21 Oh yes only a small garden there was small terraced gardens , you could n't er utilise them to any great degree for for growing or anything like that .
22 If we can start into the budget then , I think members will be fully aware of the wider context that the County Council finds itself in , and we 're not proposing to rehearse that at any great length for you other than if you wish us to er , run through that again .
23 One of the problems the European traders encountered early on in their attempt to develop longer trade routes , was that peoples in South-East Asia who produced spices highly regarded in Europe did not , for their part , show any great desire for European products .
24 Not that the stories of Haile Selassie and the Shah are any great advertisement for the omnipotence of omnipotence .
25 It does not appear that the members of the Liturgical Commission had any great regard for the cult ; King Charles I appeared on one list of those to be commemorated but was dropped in the next .
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