Example sentences of "[det] who would [be] " in BNC.

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1 The sort of girls who would quickly come to the fore are the sort of Malory-Towers-Swallows-and-Amazons type ; practical down to earth and capable , but there would probably be many unlike that who would be perfectly handless when it came to organisation and practicalities .
2 But Liza Tremayne was well aware that there were not all that many who would be able to help her out of her present predicament .
3 The power of the message and the medium attracts like bees to a honey pot , those who crave power , particularly those who would be queen bee .
4 Mori 's analysis of the voting intentions of some 22,000 people reveals a similar pattern of Labour failing to gain ground among those who would be most likely to benefit from its policies .
5 In his first term , Nixon had devoted relatively little attention to the selection of those who would be responsible for the administration of his programme .
6 I later learned that those who would be most keen to read such an account were precisely those who had been at the game .
7 What is more — as my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State said earlier — no compensating benefit would be received by those who would be hit by the abolition of the upper limit .
8 I understand that local authorities have pressed hard for access to the criminal records section , in particular in vetting potential employees — particularly those who would be working in sensitive areas , such as the social services .
9 He supported the measures recently announced to protect those who would be affected by the transition , which included unemployment benefit and retraining opportunities .
10 The University welcomes applications from mature students , those who would be 21 or over by 1 October of the year in which they begin their degree courses .
11 Now we 're not arguing that the calculation should go beyond past land take-up and er counting the heads of those who would be employed , we w we would follow a similar process and we recognize that there are needs beyond that .
12 Extra staff were brought in to dust and polish , while Paige helped Betty prepare the rooms for those who would be staying over .
13 She 's one of several who 'd be unable to study if it were n't for the nursery .
14 The most that Aurangzeb could expect was to make the local rulers obedient to his authority , or else to replace them with deputies of his own who would be reasonably faithful vassals .
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