Example sentences of "[det] out of he " in BNC.

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1 In order to draw this out of him , he wrote a vastly elaborate commentary on the Lay , softening the blow of his harsher criticisms by inventing the personae of a whole group of scholarly editors who are debating the text in the way that scholars have disputed over Homer or Beowulf It would seem that Tolkien took a great deal of notice of Lewis 's invented editors , for he rewrote his Kay and incorporated a high proportion of their emendations .
2 But it was safer if Nona did not go on and dig this out of him .
3 I did get that much out of him .
4 He would have to build himself up , because the change would take it all out of him .
5 When he realized what he had done he panicked and she had it all out of him .
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