Example sentences of "[det] as [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Arthur 's Miller 's plays such as All My Sons and Death of a Salesman are now regarded as virtual classics , and so are Tennessee William 's Cat on a Hot Tin Roof , The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire .
2 But if we had no independent reason for accepting this conclusion , such as the argument from error provides , we would take it as a point against his theory that it shows we do n't know the most central and obvious things such as that we are not brains in vats , that there is a material world or that the world began more than five minutes ago .
3 Any form of limited franchise , such as that which had been in operation since 1815 , was a direct affront to the principles of 1789 , which had declared the people to be sovereign .
4 To both men it seemed that a way out for all parties might be found in an international conference , such as that which had settled the Luxembourg question in 1867 .
5 It was a statistic such as that which proved the best weapon in ACSS 's campaign .
6 The remedy is a compromise in which activity in one sub-system such as that which incorporates work is studied but in the context of sensitivity to external influences .
7 He begins by allowing the possibility of schism , such as that which took place in the Roman Empire ( II , 84 ) , which implies that humans can choose not to allow totalization .
8 While not inviting the Board to adopt in regard to Zaidie and Matadial a rule such as that which applies to accomplices , the alleged victims of sexual assaults and young children , the defendant submitted that there was an obligation ( not performed in this case ) to advise the jury to proceed with caution where there was material to suggest that the evidence of the witnesses might be tainted by an improper motive .
9 pure space before us , such as that which flowers
10 The distinction between those cases and this is that the lawyer for the other can immediately attack the one — there is somebody there to protect the reputation of each defendant who is in the court — but in a case such as that which has affected my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Leicester , West , there is no such opportunity to defend oneself .
11 It is not satisfactory to change a policy such as that which we have at the moment , and to have add-ons for the environment .
12 However , perhaps he could be more generous , given the present need for investment , and allow for a limited period , such as that which operated when the right hon. Member for Blaby ( Mr. Lawson ) was Chancellor .
13 I join the hon. Gentleman in his moving remarks about graveyards across the Province and in his condemnation of sectarian attacks such as that which occurred on Friday last week .
14 However , that leaves the galleries open to pressure , when they come to the Minister and make points such as that which I made at the beginning of my speech — saying , for instance , that last year the Tate gallery could buy only one work of art .
15 Observers noted that some changes , such as that which enabled President Fidel Castro to declare a state of emergency , and appoint himself leader of the National Defence Council in such an event , merely institutionalized already existing situations .
16 He was also concerned ( according to his memoirs ) that the communists would use the cover of anti-German insurrections ( such as that which began in Paris in August ) to launch a revolution of their own .
17 The report estimates that the risk of a serious accident , such as that which occurred at Chernobyl , is 100 times that of comparable modern nuclear plants .
18 Because teachers often can not answer the question of why they teach as they do and because they refer to statements such as that they just know what to do or have a feeling or sense about what to do , it has been suggested that what guides teachers in making sense of their work and what commits them to action is a mixture of " personal knowledge , tacit knowledge , routine knowledge … when conscious thought is not permitted the time to percolate and inform practice " ( Simons and Elliott 1989 ) .
19 ‘ It 's about how you live and how you want your children to live , having certain attitudes , such as that it 's important to be polite and respect your elders and that you should want to work hard at school , ’ was one typical comment .
20 I know authors say they prefer to let their work speak for them , but I hardly think it would harm the integrity of the book to know a little something about the man , such as that he is forty-two , married to American academic Antonia Phillips , with two children , Louis and Jacob , and that he has what he calls a ‘ middle-aged obsession ’ with competitive games , particularly tennis .
21 Only if the chief constable expressed his order in terms such as that he considered any injury to his men to constitute serious public disorder might the courts be prepared to intervene .
22 He offered common sense advice such as that she should ‘ have a talk ’ with her son , but refused to accept that the money was a loan and take the necessary steps to recover it .
23 He himself , he says , does ‘ not belong to the party that would condemn the common and familiar ways of speaking ’ , according to which we know many things at the level of appearances , such as that I am now seated rather than standing , and that fire appears hot rather than cold .
24 Such as that I was trying to use the priesthood as an escape from my personal frustration , that I was dramatizing my own situation , that I was proud and vain , that my idea of Catholicism was up the creek .
25 Thus in a case such as Anisminic one would say , inter alia , that if there is property in Egypt , which belongs to a British national or successor in title at the relevant dates , which has been seized , the FCC shall award compensation .
26 Suppressor variables such as this which are strong enough to reverse the sign of the relationship are called distorter variables .
27 You see , I think a mag such as this which is dedicated to a particular subject should carry some article which would help readers learn more about the technical aspects of guitars as well .
28 A journal such as this which seeks to facilitate the spread of technology is therefore very much to be welcomed .
29 They were not here , nor was Thor of Allerdale himself ; but , after all ; it was strategy such as this which had kept Allerdale free despite the wolves at his frontiers .
30 But the latter were clearly hopelessly reductionist in relation to a concept such as this which at once opens up the possible significances of what was once merely seen as the aesthetic .
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