Example sentences of "[det] we [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 By this we mean the maintenance of the status quo as a conscious policy based upon a set of values which are promoted by or embodied in the status quo .
2 Can I make a suggestion then that on this we change the suggested If you just put down that the enquiry form is farmed by the researchers full stop , and leave any related documents entirely up to the discretion of each and
3 In this we reveal the number of calories and the quantity of dietary fibre present in the useful canned and packaged foods .
4 Yet if we do this we undermine the whole concept of cultural evolution and the spontaneous order which underlies Hayek and Friedmans ' defence of the market economy .
5 To this we owe the diffusion not only of pearls but of transparent precious stones , notably red garnets , green emeralds , blue sapphires and , crowning all , diamonds .
6 It is difficult to find scientific evidence of the value of using the Rogerian client oriented counselling method , which is widely advocated , and on this we share the authors ' doubts .
7 Following this we have the long period of isostatic emergence , rapid weathering of the new mountains with the formation of molasse-type deposits , widespread red bed sedimentation and also perhaps a period of glaciation , before peneplanation , widespread marine transgressions and the recommencement of the cycle in new troughs .
8 ‘ In all this we see the very bedrock of our constitution beginning to quake …
9 To achieve this we found the CNT and the Lancashire County Council most helpful . ’
10 Beyond this we enter the realms of EVGA and SVGA , which , rather than provide 640 pixels wide by 480 pixels high in 16 colours , offer up to 1024x768 in up to 256 colours .
11 For this we need the three resources of mapwork , fieldwork and archive work , blended with intuition .
12 To do this we consider the change in length of a small element dS of a line in the body as it is distorted to a new shape .
13 For this we used the EGRET software , in which the formula for the χ 2 test for trend in stratified and unstratified analysis was taken from Breslow and Day .
14 The second step is to obtain C. For this we select the underlined element in B an evaluate in succession unc and then unc Note that the zero elements in B have become nonzero in C ; however , unc is now 2.19132 ; compare unc above .
15 In the first half we attacked the Kop end and hopes were high that Crewe would conceed a bagful of goals in the first half when Deane actually managed to score in the 17th minute .
16 Thank you very much , Sir Leonard for that , in th in the beginning of your address you posed the question , what does a company like I B M have to do with a community and then proceeded to answer your question , I think in a most , er , comprehensive way , and I I speak as someone who lives in a county , Hampshire , where I B M has a strong er , base , and I know from personal experience as a volunteer in that county , how much we value the contacts that we have with I B M and the way in which we work together with them in the way that you have described .
17 Isabelle is well supported in this by the staff and I would like to mention how much we appreciate the changes to the trading goods which have taken place in the last year .
18 To these we owe the ‘ Mozart versions ’ of Acis and Galatea and Messiah .
19 But with these we guarded the water works , patrolled the hills and woods , and maintained a guard duty at Rugby Works , where our first H.Q. was situated , working our normal jobs by day and on duty by night .
20 For around £20 each we enjoyed the simple pleasures of being able to dance the Gay Gordons round a bonfire at midnight , vomit into a loch instead of on to a pavement , and stumble up hills for the remainder of the week walking off hangovers .
21 Soon after that we saw the tail lights of Danny 's truck in the distance and in no time at all we were right behind it .
22 After that we set the dining table and served the lunch we had brought .
23 Now to this week 's competition , and for that we 've the ideal garment for winter sports fans .
24 Various reports a plea for support a plea for interest particularly for the seventy fifth anniversary year next year and after that we had the most lovely party .
25 Will he get his right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Energy to take action now , as he has been urged to do by the European Energy Commissioner , to stop pit closures in this country , given that we produce the cheapest deep-mined coal in the European Community ?
26 ‘ Last summer it was the terrace after that we restored the pond area and next spring we 'll do the tennis court . ’
27 Next to that we have the treatment-room , which is where I usually take my morning clinics or carry out minor treatments , and on the other side is the second consulting-room . ’
28 Could I suggest probably in future that if we do that we have the harrowing parts in the morning so everybody can see it .
29 Well , first of all we told the people at the earliest opportunity we told the church members what we 've learnt told them about our of the advantages and our enthusiasm and commitment to the process .
30 First of all we slide the top and the bottom of the mast together , lining up the red dots and then we touch the halyard .
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