Example sentences of "[det] which do not " in BNC.

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1 There are some types of case which it can not sustain , and some which do not need it in order to remain at home ; but there is a group — those with relatively severe dementia , probably living alone , and unable to receive the care they need from elsewhere ( usually because they do not have able and willing involved relatives ) who appear unlikely to have remained at home had it not been for the involvement of the Home Support Project .
2 In particular , we have shown the implications of applying rational expectations to a variety of alternative models , some of which maintain the idea of wage and price flexibility and some which do not .
3 Short and intermediate courses and those which do not involve the student in heavy costs tend to have a more democratic social composition .
4 However , cheaper land in the north attracts some large businesses , particularly those which do not have high costs of transport for goods going to the southern market .
5 In those which do not , control still rests with the LEA .
6 Alterations made afterwards have a tendency to show ; those which do not show may be examples of dishonesty by the surveyor .
7 Considering these evils , I hereby promise to remain away from all motion pictures except those which do not offend decency and Christian morality .
8 What is the difference between instructions which initiate tantrums and those which do not ?
9 Those which do not exist are effectively discarded because they are not stored in the list , however they could be regenerated from the graph should that become necessary at some future stage .
10 And , in describing the consequences of what he defines as literacy , he distinguishes between societies which employ the notion of ‘ logic ’ and those which do not , between societies with ‘ historical sensibility ’ and those with only myth , and between societies where ‘ scepticism ’ is present involving ‘ deliberate rejection and reinterpretation of social dogma and those limited to ‘ semi-automatic readjustment of belief .
11 Those which do not have a lake view overlook local side streets .
12 However , we need to distinguish between elaborations of statements of attainment which permit a diversity of learning routes and those which do not .
13 Those which do not contain pyrozines naturally , gather them from noxious plants , either eating them as caterpillars or drinking them as adults .
14 They divide economic activities ‘ between those that produce marketed outputs and those which do not .
15 Languages which have morphological resources for expressing a certain category such as number , tense , or gender , have to express these categories regularly ; those which do not have morphological resources for expressing the same categories do not have to express them except when they are felt to be relevant .
16 Then you would remain as a group and could observe your own customs , those which do not conflict with our law . ’
17 The latter category , ( which did not include the 1976–83 military regime in Argentina ) is usually divided into two groups : those which have relations with the USSR , i.e. , pre-democratisation Brazil and Uruguay , and those which do not , i.e. , Chile , Paraguay , pre-1985 Guatemala , and Duvalier 's Haiti ( Valenta : 1983 , pp. 291–2 and Blasier : 1983 , pp. 81–91 ) .
18 We shall consider these counter-attacks under two broad headings : those which maintain the assumption of price flexibility ; and those which do not .
19 He should have the option of rejecting either all the goods or just those which do not conform to the contract .
20 Nevertheless , unless we are to fall back on the unsatisfactory practice of listing verbs which do support the construction and those which do not , some other factor must be waiting to be discovered , which will help to explain why ( 56 ) and ( 67 ) seem outright ungrammatical , and yet we can have either of ( 68 ) and ( 69 ) : ( 68 ) Tania left despondently ( 69 ) Tania left despondent To conclude , we may point out that there will clearly be a close connexion , under certain choices of lexical items , between the surface construction ( 44 ) and ordinary predicative position .
21 Adapting LE to JC in this case means distinguishing those lexical items which historically end in /r/ from those which do not .
22 Those which do not register by April 3 will be fined up to £400 .
23 If the data have been ordered into contigs then the positives should occur in overlapping runs ( Fig 3 ) , and inconsistencies in the data are immediately apparent by eye because all the hybridisations to each clone are visible , including those which do not fit well with the current order of clones and probes .
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